Tuesday, August 6, 2024


Wonder Woman lost her cover feature in DC's Sensation Comics as of this issue (#107 in 1952)...
...when the book was retitled Sensation Mystery, and featured "mysteries" like this one!
(Sensation Comics was Wonder Woman's "sister" title, much as Action Comics is Superman's "brother" comic and Detective Comics is Batman's "brother" book!)
In 1952, horror comics became the "hot" genre, with most comics publishers going "all in" to see who could be the goriest!
DC, though, tried to stay relatively innocuous, refusing to go for the gore.
While their sales didn't skyrocket as many other publishers' did, they managed to stay below the radar during the whole "Seduction of the Innocent" mania.
And, it certainly made reprinting any of the material produced during this period a breeze after the Comics Code was imposed!
This John Broome-written, Carmine Infantino-penciled, and Frank Giacoia-inked tale was typical of DC's output during this period.
(Some say Sy Barry inked it, but expert art identifier Martin O'Hearn thinks it's Giacoia, and I agree with him.)
Straightforward, logical, and effectively-told, it's almost a template for the various stories the anthology would carry until the book's cancellation a year later with #116.
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(which features this story...but in black and white!)
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Monday, August 5, 2024

Monday Maternity Madness WIMMEN'S COMIX "TeenAge Abortion"

Odd how the situation in this story from 1972 is equally likely to happen in 2024!
Thank you, Repug Supreme Court justices!
Note: MAY be NSFW due to mature topics, but there is NO NUDITY in the tale!
Written and illustrated by Lora Fountain, this story from Last Gasp's Wimmen's Comix #1 (1972) shows what it was like in the dark pre-Roe v Wade days...and now, unfortunately, a half-century later in the post-Roe v Wade days.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

It's HOT Outside! Stay Indoors and Feel the Buzz with RetroBlogs' Time-Lost Blogathon...

...Featuring the "other Dynamic Duo's" First Foray Against Felons...
...in a never-reprinted tale from 1992!
Go to
on Monday to learn the never-revealed secret of how they became wanted men by law enforcement!
Hint: they're actually innocent!

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Space Hero Saturdays SMASH GORDON "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Mongo!"

It starts out as a typical day for our Space Hero... 
...but as much as we want to tell you the rest of the story, this tale written and illustrated by Frank Brunner involves (gasp) nudity (but extremely-tasteful and not lascivious nudity), so you'll have to go to our "brother" RetroBlog, the appropriately-named
right now to see the rest!
And wait until you see who cameos on the final page!

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Friday, August 2, 2024

Friday Fun / Trump Reading Room SH*T MY PRESIDENT SAYS

Remember When the German Who Claimed He Was Swedish said this?

Amazing how, despite allegedly-sending "crack detectives" to Hawaii who in his own words "can't believe what they're finding", we never saw the "results" of the "investigation", nor learned the identities of the alleged "detectives"...who would be considered heroes by the Reich-wing! 

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