Thursday, August 1, 2024


Do we really appreciate presents given freely to us?
Or do we always think there's an ulterior motive behind them?
Illustrated by Bob Powell, this never-reprinted tale from Atlas' Strange Tales of the Unusual #1 (1955) suggests Mankind should be a bit more trusting and less paranoid.
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Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder BRAK THE BARBARIAN "Unspeakable Shrine" Conclusion's not a synopsis, but the Steve Gan art was too kool for me not to present it!
Anyway on with the story (and an actual synopsis)...
Afraid not, Septegundus! 
This story in Marvel's Savage Tales V1N8 (1975) was the finale for Brak's graphic story adventures by any publisher to date!
Unlike other barbarian/high adventure characters, Brak was never reprinted or revived.
OTOH, he fared better than Lin Carter's Jandar of Callisto!
There was a text feature in the previous issue of Savage Tales about that multi-volume John Carter/Carson of Venus pastiche by noted fantasy author Carter being adapted by Marvel.
Unfortunately, except for a couple of promo pieces, there was never any work done on the projected strip.
Next Week:
More Worlds of Wonder!!!
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(includes a never-before-published conclusion to the series!)

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Reading Room MYSTERY IN SPACE "Space Baby"

No, it's not a story about Don (da Con) Trump and his "Space Force"...
...but a never-reprinted Silver Age tale by Jerry (Superman) Siegel and Gil (Green Lantern) Kane!
Notice how, on the cover of DC's Mystery In Space #101 (1965), astronaut Ron "Babyface"Trent looks like a young adult rather than (like he does inside) a kid?
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Monday, July 29, 2024

Monday Maternity Madness CHOICES "Some Words From the Guys in Charge"

Want to bet all these characters are based on Republican politicians of the 1990s?

And, note that they are, of course, all males, not "men" in any meaningful sense of the word, just like most current Republican politicians!
For the record, the late writer/artist Howard Cruse was a man, unlike Repug VP candidate JD Vance or Prez candidate Don (da Con) Trump!
From Angry Isis Press' Choices: a Pro-Choice Benefit Comic for the Anthology National Organization for Women, produced to raise money after the Supreme Court ruling of Webster V Reproductive Health Services (1989) began the re-imposition of limits to the rights of women over their own bodies!

Sunday, July 28, 2024

The RetroBlogs' "Time-Lost" Summer Blogathon Rolls Along...

...with another never-reprinted tale from at least three decades ago...

...specifically, the origin story of the other "Dynamic Duo"...
The Green Hornet
How did two total strangers meet, become close friends, and then, allies in a war against crime which would span several generations of both their families?
The never-reprinted truth can now be revealed, starting Monday at...
Feel the Buzz!