Friday, September 22, 2023


There is nothing more frightening to a beatnik, hippie, or hipster...
...than to be considered "establishment" or "uncool"!
This tale from Archies's Tales Calculated to Drive You Bats #5 (1962) demonstrates that "kool" is all a matter of perspective!
Best-known as the creator of Li'l Jinx, writer-artist Joe Edwards masterfully-adapted to the Dan DeCarlo-esque "house" style of Archie Comics to become one of their (almost-always anonymous) mainstays for decades, from the Golden Age (1940s) through the Modern Age (1980s).
Consider that when he wrote and illustrated this tale, he was already in his 40s (as were almot all comic creatives at that time), not a young adult and "with it", as they said back then!
Does it still read as "legit"?
Think about it...

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Thursday, September 21, 2023

Reading Room WORLD OF FANTASY "One Night"

Spaceship crewmen on shore leave at a distant port...
...sounds like a recipe for trouble and proof that some things never change!
Like many Baby Boomers (who, ironically, were this story's target audience of 6-13 year old children in 1956), Pete Cooper didn't plan for his retirement!
As a result, he made a gaffe that assured his fate would be exactly what he feared!
Illustrated by penciler Bob Forgione and inker Jack Abel, this never-reprinted morality play appeared in Atlas' World of Fantasy #2 (1956)!
The writer is unknown.
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Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder O.C.T. OCCULT CRIMES TASKFORCE "Soul Ripper" Part 1

...Officer Sophia Ortiz is adjusting to the concept that a secret division of the NYPD fights mystic threats to the city with spells and charms rather than pistols and squad cars!
Found the real Soul Ripper!
I'd say this qualifies as "dire circumstances"!
What can Sophia do against such a creature?
Be back next Wednesday to see!

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Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Monday Magik Madness (Belated) OCCULT CRIMES TASKFORCE "Officer Training Manual" Chapter 2

Actually, we were supposed to run this yesterday, as Monday Magik Madness...
...since it leads into tomorrow's Wednesday Worlds of Wonder, but doing multiple blogs with simultaneous posts on Monday (Hero Histories and Secret Sanctum of Captain Video) after a weekend partying with friends proved to be...well, you know...(insert sheepish emoji)
As you'll see tomorrow in our Wednesday Worlds of Wonder, OCT co-creators Rosario (Ahsoka) Dawson and David Atchison put a lot of thought into the artifacts and spellcasting used in the series.

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Monday, September 18, 2023

Monday Medical Madness TWILIGHT ZONE "Plague"

Submitted for your approval...
...a tale so frightening, it couldn't be told on TV...but it did appear in comic The Twilight Zone!
There wasn't a sequel to this never-reprinted story by writer Leo Dorfman and illustrator Joe Orlando (with an assist from Mike Sekowsky) from Gold Key's Twilight Zone #20 (1967)!
Perhaps it's best we never know,,,
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and the sequel