Saturday, May 27, 2023

Space Hero Saturdays SPACE WESTERN COMICS "Spurs Jackson and His Space Vigilantes in The Saucer Men"

When you think of "Space Heroes", cowboys and Indians aren't the first people who pop into your head!
Why not?
BTW, Isn't it amazing how these guys (of all people) take the whole idea of outer-space aliens in stride?


Just over 70 years ago, Charlton introduced Space Western Comics in 1952, starting with #40.
Though the numbering was a continuation of already-ongoing "parent" title Cowboy Western Comics, none of the previous strips were carried over or revamped, as so often happened when comic titles were altered!
Instead, a new series, set in the present (1952), was launched starring Spurs Jackson who was both a cowboy and electronics expert!

He was also a Federal government contactor, so when he needed backup, the military tended to come a-running (and a-shooting).
Good thing, since his ranch became a magnet for alien invaders during the series' run.

The so-called "Space Vigilantes" consisted of Spurs' ranch hands including Hank Roper and Strong Bow, both of whom had backup strips in the book where they also showed their solo alien-buttkicking talents.
An infrequent supporting cast member was Queen Thula of Mars, whom Spurs met in the story above.
Whenever a tale took place on Mars, or Spurs needed some really advanced tech, she appeared and livened up the usually all-male ensemble considerably.

BTW, if you think that this short story covers a helluva lot of ground in just eight pages, you'd be right.
Today this tale alone would be a six-issue miniseries (with a couple of tie-ins to other titles)
It shouldn't surprise you to learn the writer who penned it was Walter Gibson, aka Maxwell Grant, biographer of the pulp hero The Shadow.
If there was anyone who knew how to cram a narrative with both plot and action, it was him!

Besides aliens from a number of worlds, Spurs and friends battled Commie spies (Hey, it was 1952! "Reds" were EVERYWHERE!), ancient Aztecs, and space-going Nazis!
It was weird!
It was wild!
Sometimes it was dumb!
But it was never dull!
And it only lasted six issues.
After #45, the title reverted to Cowboy Western Comics, and Spurs put in a final appearance in a one-page filler.
He was forgotten.
Until now.
We'll be re-presenting Spurs' never-reprinted battle against Those Who Threaten the American Way of Life here in Space Hero Saturdays.
And we're offering a line of Space Western collectibles...perfect for summer wear at the beach!

Check out the

Friday, May 26, 2023

Friday Fun JETTA OF THE 21st CENTURY "Jet-Heeled Prom" and "Zingbats"

Like most comics of the era, Jetta of the 21st Century had text stories... qualify for second-class (magazine) mailing rates!
The text stories featured other characters from the "Jetta-verse"!
Written by "Dixon Wells" (a pen-name used only for Jetta text stories), this never-reprinted piece from Standard's Jetta of the 21st Century #7 (1953) would've made a pretty good comic story.
Perhaps it was scripted by Dan DeCarlo?
Also included in this final issue of the series was this one-pager totally-unrelated to the "Jetta-verse"...
No credits are available for this short, which probably was meant for one of Standard's sci-fi comics, Lost Worlds or Fantastic Worlds!
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Dan DeCarlo's Jetta

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Kirby Reading Room SECRET CITY SAGA "Let Sleeping Boojums Lie!" Conclusion

We Have Already Seen...

Cover by penciler Steve Ditko and inker George Perez
...actually, this scene hasn't happened...yet!
But, rather than recap, since this is the final chapter, let's jump into action...
And they did return!
Unfortunately, their comeback was cut short, with only a single issue appearing before the project was cancelled.
The KirbyVerse didn't sell well, due to changing audience tastes, and despite a revamp after this premiere mini-series, it failed to grab sufficient readers to warrant continuing.
The second mini-series, entitled Victory! was written and drawn, but, as we said, only the first issue saw publication.
There were a couple of semi-related mini-series TeenAgents and Satan's Six, also based on Kirby's concepts.
If you want to see them, we'll re-present them, so let us know!

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retelling of elements of the Secret City Saga which also combines other Kirby projects like Galaxy GreenCaptain Victory and Silver Star!

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder LITTLE MERMAID...the REAL Story!

...and the 1989 animated Disney version that inspired it are not quite what Hans Christian Andersen wrote!
There are a couple of comic book versions that retell the tale far more accurately!
This is one of them...
It's definitely not the usual "and they lived happily ever after" ending, eh?
Illustrated by Marv Levy, this short appeared in the Ziff-Davis 100-page one-shot Hans Christian Anderson (1952).
If you'd like to know more about the comic story and the comic itself, click HERE for info about the astounding origin of the comic and how it ties in to a live-action version of the fairy tale!
And, if you'd like to see a different, longer, even more detailed (but less accurate) version of this fairy tale, click HERE!