In the mid-1950s, the young, multi-talented, creative team of Ross Andru and Mike Esposito...
...took a big risk and started their own comics company, MikeRoss Publishing!
They told a fascinating tale of how it came about...
They told a fascinating tale of how it came about...
...which didn't have a bit of truth to it!
Then, they decided to "teach" others the "secrets" of how to emulate their success...
As you can see, Ross and Mike were having fun and producing some great material.Ironically, and through no fault of their own, it would all come crashing down a few months later!
And though their product consisted of a only two non-horror series (humor and romance) and a couple of 3-D one-shots, they were caught in the paranoid backlash against four-color fun that less than a fifth of existing comics publishers survived!