Monday, November 7, 2022

Monday Madness YOUR VOTE IS VITAL!!!

And there came a day unlike any other day, when heroes banded together to battle a menace so overwhelming no single hero could stand against it...
,,,unless not enough of those heroes actually go to vote!
Here's a handy (very) basic guide...
Illustrated by Warren Kremer and Al Avision, this one-shot published by Harvey Comics in 1952 (70 years ago) was offered for only a couple of pennies a copy to anyone who wanted to utilize it to get out the vote!
Amazing how it's both generic and pertinent even decades later!
Note: Out gratitude to the ever-amazing Kracalactaka for the scans of this ultra-rare comic!
Now, unless you want things to stay as they are (or get worse)...if you're over 18 and under 110...

Sunday, November 6, 2022

They're NOT a Luxury in the Cyber Age, But a NECESSITY...Christmas Cards!

How do we communicate our holiday wishes to friends and family in this high-tech, impersonal age?

Why, Christmas Cards, of course...and not the e-mail type!
(You ever try to hang an e-card on the tree or put it on the mantelpiece?)

Remember how, after Thanksgiving, you'd look forward to getting those envelopes with colorful Yuletide cards (usually with lots of handwritten news and in-jokes from the sender!)
Remember the warmth from loved ones you'd feel from those?
Remember how you'd create displays on the mantlepiece or stairs with the koolest of those cards?
Well, more than ever, it's time to bring back that warm-and-fuzzy feeling!
And we have just the cards to do it...

Plus, if you want some really wild variations...
All are exclusive designs not available anywhere else!
All are available as singles for $4.99, 10-packs for $19.99 ($1.99 per card), and 20-packs for $29.99 ($1.49 per card).
Talk about a Christmas miracle!
Order now, so you'll be able to send them out around (or just after) Thanksgiving!

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Space Heroine Saturdays TARA "Fabulous Jewel of Morn"

She's back...the female space pirate who proves... the eternal void, gender is irrelevant when strategy and weaponry can triumph over brute strength!

Though this tale is in Nedor's Wonder Comics #16, the cover by Alex Schomberg during his "Xela" airbrush art period, is from the next issue...Wonder Comics #17!

The cover features both the villain and jewel from the story in #16, so we're using it here.
In fact, none of the covers featuring Tara go with the stories in their respective issues!
Penciled and inked by Gene Fawcette.
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Friday, November 4, 2022

Friday Fun BARBIE & KEN "Handsome Couple"

For girls of the late 1950s thru early 1970s, Barbie and Ken dolls were fashion icons... it was inevitable that there would be a comic book about their adventures!
 But, as it turns out, Barbie and Ken were secretly married the entire time!
It's true!
Here's the whole story from Dell Comics' Barbie & Ken #1 (1962)...