The first ongoing feature during Adventure Comics' short-lived 1970s return to an anthology format...
...was this strip with a Boris Karloff-lookalike host.
It's unclear whether writer John Albano (who had been scripting Supergirl until it left Adventure) or Adventure Comics editor Joe Orlando conceived the series.
This never-reprinted tale from DC's Adventure Comics #426 (1973) clearly shows the "ghost" to be of non-supernatural origin, but later stories lean towards supernatural elements.
When The Spectre was reintroduced in Adventure, for a memorable run by Michael Fleisher and Jim Aparo, the cover title (though not indicia) became Weird Adventure Comics.
I mentioned the visual of the host, Nelson Strong, was "Karloff-esque".
Here's Karloff from his one-season 1950s tv series Colonel March of Scotland Yard.
Does he look like the visual inspiration for Nelson Strong?
I'd be willing to bet on it...
I'd be willing to bet on it...