Monday, July 6, 2020

Monday Madness / CoronaVirus Comics MASQUE OF THE RED DEATH Conclusion the Red Death closes in around his castle, Prince Prospero decides to do the only thing he can do...PARTY ON!
Adapted and illustrated by comics legend Richard Corben, this somewhat-snarly, but extremely-kool version of the gothic classic appeared in Dark Horse's multi award-winning 2013 one-shot Edgar Allan Poe's The Raven and the Red Death!
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Sunday, July 5, 2020

Stay Safe by Sheltering in Place with RetroBlogs' Summer Blogathons...

...we'll keep you entertained with time-lost rare and never-reprinted tales you'll find only at...
...our newest RetroBlog
...controversial Western tales featuring TV's Confederate protagonists the Gray Ghost and the Rebel at
Barbaric action in the Conan/Kull tradition at
...along with the already-announced
Perry Mason...whose never-reprinted comic books will show you why the new HBO series is closer than you think to the early novels!
Check out
Crime & Punishment
for his hard-boiled adventures!
And, to make it a Super-Summer Blogathon...
The book-length saga of Superman dying from "Virus X" was one of the classic (and often reprinted) Silver Age tales of the Man of Steel!
But. that's not what we're showing...since it's been reprinted numerous times over the years (and deservedly so)!
Did you know it was re-conceived as an expanded, multi-part, never-reprinted, story in Action Comics several years later?
That's what you'll see at
Hero Histories
in July!
Plus, we're presenting not one, but two Blogathons featuring the Man of Steel's cousin in stories unseen for 50 years!

Several of Supergirl's (somewhat kinky) romances in
True Love Comics Tales!

The Maiden of Might's weirdest, wildest adventures in
There's still more (we have to keep you entertained and safe), but you'll have to be back next Sunday to find out about them...

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Holiday Reading Room: EVERY DAY IS A HOLLY DAY: "Independence Day"

From 1956, here's a never-reprinted tale from a unique comic...
...produced to promote, of all things, sugar!
Why is the Brevity, Inc comic entitled "Every Day is a Holly Day" instead of "Every Day is a Holiday"?
Because it was given away to kids by grocers who sold Holly Sugar!
Illustrated by John Rosenberger, it's a unique pamphlet covering a number of American holidays, including both Lincoln and Washington's Birthdays (before they were combined into "Presidents' Day"), Mothers' Day (though not Fathers' Day), Flag Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Thanksgiving, and a couple of holidays we've largely abandoned...Pan-American Day and American Indian Day!
We'll be presenting the other chapters on the dates they fall upon.
Watch for them...and be here tomorrow when we present the line-up for our annual Summer Mini-Blogathons!
We're back and raring to go!

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Friday, July 3, 2020

Friday Fun / CoronaVirus Comics DENNIS THE MENACE "Dennis vs the Doctor"

Polio was one of the worst scourges the civilized world ever experienced...
...but when an inoculation was found, many still resisted taking it!
Why do anti-vaxxers act as childishly as Dennis the Menace in this tale from Standard's Dennis the Menace #26 (1958)?
Sadly, writer Fred Toole and artist Al Wiseman have both passed on and can't speculate about the reason.
We hope you've enjoyed our multi-blog "CoronaVirus Comics" posts.
While they will continue from time-to-time, we're returning to our usual assortment of subjects after the 4th of July, including our annual RetroBlog Summer Blogathons.
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Thursday, July 2, 2020

CoronaVirus Comics SCIENCE COMICS "Walter Reed: the Man Who Conquered Yellow Fever"

...but here's another version of true events, with a somewhat different emphasis...
Rudy Palais, one of the more gruesomely-graphic artists of the Golden Age illustrated this never-reprinted tale from Ace's Science Comics #2 (1946).
In fact, some of Palais' work is excerpted in Fredric Wertham's Seduction of the Innocent!
And, yes, the subject of the story is the Dr Walter Reed the hospital in Washington DC is named after...and this is why it's named after him!
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