Monday, October 28, 2019

Monday Madness ARRGH! "Fangs for the Memory!"

We ran out of Spanish Dracula one-pagers... we're presenting this never-reprinted comic (in more ways than one) tale of urban vampire terror from Marvel's ARRRGH! #1 (1973)!
Let's see what lurks under this kool Marie Severin/Tom Sutton cover...
Written by Russ Jones (as "Jack Younger"), penciled by Mike Sekowsky (some of his last comic book work before going into TV/movie animation full-time), and inked by Tom Sutton (who usually inked his own work), this was an attempt to do a new MAD-style four color comic due to the early 1970s loosening of editorial restrictions by the Comics Code Authority!
Sadly, the book only lasted five issues...
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Sunday, October 27, 2019

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Britain's Fredric Wertham and the Gorbals Vampire!

Most readers of this blog are familiar with Dr. Fredric Wertham and his notorious book Seduction of the Innocent, which basically attributed 1950s juvenile delinquency to the reading of comic books, specifically horror comics!
But, did you know that Great Britain had a similar cultural phenomenon, known as The Gorbals Vampire, and they also blaming American horror comics?

Bleeding Cool, a site of such importance to all comics fanboys and fangirls (yes, that includes us) that it should be one of your PRIMARY bookmarks, has posted info on a BBC documentary about this infamous (and little-known) period of British history!

Link, read, listen, and learn.
For those who do not learn from the past are condemned to repeat it!
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Friday, October 25, 2019

Friday Fun MONSTERS UNLIMITED "Best of #4"

As of #4, Monsters to Laugh With changed it's title... Monsters Unlimited!
But the Stan Lee-scripted word balloons on old (even in 1965) movie and TV horror/sci-fi pix remained as corny as ever!

Remember the caption-writing contest Stan ran last issue?
Well, here's the (as Stan put it) WEINER...
You'll see that pic Next Friday!
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Thursday, October 24, 2019

Reading Room VOODOO "Goodbye...World!"

 ...with a cover that seemed as if was from another story entirely.
Well, it was...sort of.
The story in Ajax's Midnight #4 (1957) was a reprint of a tale from Ajax's Voodoo #7 (1953), which was published during the height of the horror comics boom!
And, let's just say that Ajax's editorial packager, the Iger Studio, was not noted for its' subtle (or even tasteful) stories.
The heavy hand of the Comics Code Authority forced quite a few changes from this wild original version, as you will see from the splash panel onward...
Beyond little things like making the duo who are sent into space to spawn the new human race a married couple instead of a pair of unmarried co-workers, the harpies were redrawn as insect-like humanoids (which made a certain amount of sense), and the ending was totally-redone as a happy ending with humanity surviving the alien onslaught!
Personally, I prefer the original!
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