The more things change, the more they stay the same... this tale of 21st Century teen-agers from 1953 proves!
I'm positive writer/penciler Dan DeCarlo re-used this concept for an Archie story using Dilton Dooley as the creator of the aging/de-aging device!
I know I've seen a story with younger versions of Principal Weatherbee and Miss Grundy almost becoming a couple, before reverting to their present-day older selves.
Anybody know what my failing memory vaguely recalls?
It's a shame this was from the final issue of Standard's Jetta of the 21st Century (#7 in 1953).
(Despite that issue number, there were only three issues, #s 5 to 7!)
Guess the concept was too "far out" for early 1950s readers!
It's people like him who assure that comic book art will be appreciated for generations to come!