Thursday, June 1, 2017

Wonder Woman vs Supergirl!

With Wonder Woman headlining a new movie opening tomorrow...
...we thought this would be a good time to re-present their first battle royale, which has never been reprinted in color since its' initial publication in 1968 (49 years ago)!
You can read the tale, starting HERE at our "sister" RetroBlog Heroines!
It was also the penultimate appearance of the super-powered Wonder Woman in the Silver Age since a major change occurred in the next issue...
But that's a story my good friend Rip Jagger can tell you his Dojo!
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Showcase Presents
Wonder Woman
Volume 4
(which concludes with the story we're re-presenting...but in black and white!)

Sunday, April 30, 2017

We'll be Gone for a Month... we settle into new quarters!
No, it won't be quite as kool as the Batcave, but it will house our huge collections comfortably, and I'll finally be able to barbecue again!
Watch for our return on June 1st!
Edit: Discovered over a week of posts leading up to this didn't post on their intended dates, but they're up now, along with this one.
Google and Blogger have been giving me fits over the past couple of months.
I'll decide whether to switch to another platform when we return!
Please Support Atomic Kommie Comics

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Show Your Mom You Think She's a HEROINE!

Mother's Day is coming!
We offer a slew of kick-butt heroines from the 40s to the 70s, from spies and detectives to superheroines to photographers and newspaper reporters, as well as a line of branded Heroines-wear!
Mother's Day is May 14th!

Friday, April 28, 2017

Trump Reading Room COMMANDER BATTLE AND THE ATOMIC SUB "Payoff Battle!"

...I'm sure I saw this plot reused on Voyage to the Botom of the Sea in the 1960s!
Written by Richard Hughes and illustrated by Ken Landau, this never-reprinted tale from ACG's Commander Battle and the Atomic Sub #5 (1955) was the second and last issue of the new anti-communist direction the series took.
The series continued for two more issues, which changed direction yet again, as the Atomic Sub battled flying saucers!
Please Support Atomic Kommie Comics!

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Trump Reading Room COMMANDER BATTLE AND THE ATOMIC SUB "Behind the Bamboo Curtain"

...we'll check out the rest of the team as the story goes...
Written by Richard Hughes and illustrated by Ken Landau, this never-reprinted tale from ACG's Commander Battle and the Atomic Sub #5 (1955) was the second issue of the new anti-communist direction the series took.
Please Support Atomic Kommie Comics!