Friday, January 6, 2017

IS THIS TOMORROW? Communists and Propaganda

Unlike Don (the Con) Trump, even children 70 years ago knew how Russkies use propaganda... this 1940s tale on our "brother" RetroBlog, Seduction of the Innocent! demonstrates!
Remember that Jabba the Trump's buddy, Vladimir Putin, is both a KGB officer and high-ranking Communist Party member!
(If you believe Vlad's "ex" KGB and Communist Party, his actions in this [and other] matters would say otherwise...)
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(not the 1980s Chuck Norris film!)

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Reading Room WAR COMICS "Greg Gilday and the Martians" Part 2!
This strip is running at mach speed, adding genres every minute!
Greg Gilday isn't just Superman!
He's Moses, too!
In the Golden Age, creators, unrestrained by preconceptions, tried genre mash-ups we wouldn't dream of doing today, hoping to find a "hook" to grab readers!
Drawn (and probably written) by Richard Fletcher, this never-reprinted series only ran three chapters (this is the second, from Dell's War Comics #3, published in 1940) before disappearing despite the final strip ending with a caption promising more adventures!
Note: the Richard Fletcher who did this strip is not the Dick Fletcher who worked with Chester Gould before taking over as the artist on the Dick Tracy newspaper strip in 1977.
This guy is Richard Martin Fletcher.
The Dick Tracy artist was Richard E Fletcher and didn't begin his art career until after being diacharged from the Army in 1945.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Trump Reading Room LOUIE LAZYBONES "Everything's Vine!"

Let's look in on the adventures of Don (the Con) Trump's "deplorables"...
...and see what America might look like under their control...
Created in 1943, Looie Lazybones floated around the Nedor Comics line as a "filler" strip until settling down in Thrilling Comics as of #56 (1946).
Young up-and-comer Frank Frazetta took over the art a couple of issues before this never-reprinted tale in #68 (1948) bringing it amazingly-close in visual style to the strip's "inspiration", Al Capp's Li'l Abner, which had already become a media sensation, with a radio show, feature film and tons of merchandising!
So close, in fact, that Capp hired Frazetta to "ghost" Li'l Abner in 1954!
BTW, the writer is unknown.
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Tuesday, January 3, 2017

It's a New Year...Start Saving Money NOW!

Because it's become the most popular sale we've ever run, we're bringing back the
2017 12-Month Calendar Sale
with all titles at a 25% discount!
Only $14.99 instead of $19.99!
Perfect for work, home office, dorm, or bedroom!
The IDEAL gift for the hard-to-please pop culture fan in your life (or yourself)!
Choose from...
Sherlock Holmes: the Greatest Sleuth of All!

Basil Rathbone IS Sherlock Holmes!
WereWolves and Vampires
Vampires of Pulps and Comics
Werewolves of the Comics and Pulps
Zombies of Comics and Pulps
Classic comic book and pulp magazine covers and movie posters, scanned from the originals and digitally-remastered and restored!
NOT available in stores, only on-line!
And, until January 20, 2017, they're FIVE BUCKS CHEAPER!
Normally $19.99, they're ONLY $14.99!
Order now...before time runs out!

Monday, January 2, 2017


...produced not one...
...but two...
...classic blacklite posters in the early 1970s!
Third Eye Studios produced, using Marvel artwork, a line of fluorescent-ink posters, greeting cards, and puzzles that glow under ultra-violet ("black") light...
(Click to enlarge)
...all of which are now hard-to-find and expensive!
Ironically, the hardest to find and most collectible posters are the montage shown above and this one with new art by John Romita Sr...
(Click to enlarge)
...which were not for sale, just display!
There were three Doctor Strange posters, the two Colan/Palmer ones and a Dan Adkins piece.
Note: while all the puzzles repeated art from the posters, some of the greeting cards used art not seen on the posters, so while there are repeats, there are also unique cards that make the set worth collecting!
 Please Support Atomic Kommie Comics This New Year's
Digitally-Restored and Remastered DIRECTLY From an Original Poster!