Thursday, November 24, 2016

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Holiday Reading Room: ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND "Man Who Didn't Believe in Christmas"

I'm not sure what to make of this story.
It's "A Christmas Carol", yet it's not!
Weird, eh?
This story appeared in Adventures in Wonderland #5 (1956), the Christmas issue, and both writer and artist are unknown.
The editor/publisher was Lev Gleason, who had also published a number of classic comic series including Crime Does Not Pay, DareDevil Comics, and Silver Streak Comics.
However, this was at the tail end of his career, and being constrained by the newly-implemented Comics Code Authority apparently didn't sit well with him.
Perhaps this tale was his commentary on the sort of bland material he felt the Code was limiting him to?
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Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Prepare for 2016's Thanksgiving Turkey...

Due to time constraints...
...this year's Thanksgiving Turkey is going to be a little smaller, but no less tasty!
(If you haven't read it already, do so!
You won't believe your eyes!)
This year, you'll get to see their final superheroic saga, only 13 issues later!
But, before you reach for the Pepto-Bismol, we'll present the dessert to end all desserts...
...the never-reprinted reboot that also retold the Origin of Blackhawk!
Bring the sweet potatoes, greens of your choice and biscuits starting tomorrow at Hero Histories!
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The only novel based on the comic book!

Monday, November 21, 2016

Holiday Reading Room SANTA CLAUS FUNNIES "Christmas in Many Lands"

Here's a kool illustrated text feature about...
...which appeared in Four Color Comics (Santa Claus Funnies) #205 (1948), illustrated by Arthur E. Jameson.

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Collectibles Shop

Sunday, November 20, 2016

A Cornucopia of Christmas Collectibles!

Ho, Ho, Ho!
Need a stocking stuffer with style?
Christmas Cards, Mugs, Magnets, Shopping Bags and other unique items are here

Santa Claus--the Man Himself!
12 designs (for the 12 days of Christmas!) in categories that will bring back nostalgic memories of your childhood!

The Hardly Abominable SnowMan
Along with St. Nick, our frosty friend is one of the most recognizable symbols of Winter and the Christmas Season! 5 different classic Baby Boomer designs!

A Christmas Carol! The classic tale of Scrooge's redemption brought alive with 9 digitally-remastered and restored images from the very FIRST edition EVER, plus the famous Arthur Rackham edition, and the 1951 movie!

Christmas in the Comics! How do comic characters celebrate Christmas?
Check it out!

Santa Claus Conquers the Martians! He's the jolly ol' elf in a red suit.
They are big green men from Mars with an even bigger robot!
Who will win?
Before "The Nightmare Before Christmas" this was the funky Christmas flick!