Thursday, October 15, 2015

Reading Room CLASSIC COMICS "Frankenstein" Part 2

Victor Frankenstein, scion of a wealthy and well-connected family, becomes obsessed with preserving human life and creating virtual immortality.
After assembling a test subject from the parts of recently-deceased men, he manages to animate the creature, who escapes when Victor is taken ill due to exhaustion.
Weeks later, when he recovers, Victor receives news that his brother has been murdered!
Returning home, Frankenstein sees the Monster wandering thru nearby woods.
Victor believes the Monster is the killer, though circumstantial evidence points to the Frankenstein family's nanny.. will we, TOMORROW!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Reading Room CLASSIC COMICS "Frankenstein" Part 1

For Halloween, we're going the "classics are the best" route and presenting the Classic Comics (later Classics Illustrated) adaptation of Frankenstein from the mid-1940s!
Find out the frightening truth TOMORROW!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Reading Room REX HAVOC "and the AssKickers of the Fantastic"

Well, this guy's nothing like that...
Rex's premiere tale from Warren's 1984 #4 (1978) gives us all the basic elements of the tales to come.
A big, strong, not-too-swift hero and his team along with an assortment of supernatural and super-science-based enemies who are only slightly more competent.
Written by regular Warren contributor Jim Stenstrum, and illustrated by Abel Laxamana, who spent the late 1970s-early 1980s illustrating for Warren, left comics to go into animation, then popped up again in the late 1990s-early 2000s, doing superhero and, oddly enough, Simpsons comics!
Rex will return next week with another snarky tale.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Reading Room SIR LEO "Cat"

Another never-seen in America tale of the Victorian monster hunter...
...from the 1970s!
Written and illustrated by Jose Bea and co-written by Luis Vigil, this tale from from Dracula #8 (1971) answers a lot of things regarding cats that I (and, I'm sure, a lot of readers) wondered about.
More Sir Leo next Monday.
Tomorrow, another monster-hunter from the long lost past returns... 

Sunday, October 11, 2015

It's Almost Halloween: TIme for Horror (Horror Comics, that is)...

Before videogames came along, comics (and tv...and movies) were said to be the contributing factors to JUVENILE DELINQUENCY!
I say...CELEBRATE the stuff your grandparents said would warp your parents' minds!
After all, they turned out OK, didn't they?
Didn't they?
Oh, well...
What could be more appropriate for Halloween than the frightening images of Horror Comics of the 1950s on t-shirt, hoodies, mugs, and other kool kollectibles?
Are you ready to be scared? Click Now...if you dare!