Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Before Ant-Man...There Was FLY-MAN!

Actualy, there were two of them!
who only appeared twice!
...who was co-created by Jack Kirby, Ant-Man's co-creator!
Read about them at our "brother" RetroBlog; Hero Histories!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Reading Room MYSTERY IN SPACE "With His Head in the Stars"

DC's last attempt at an ongoing sci-fi anthology (except for an occasional one-shot)...
...was this revival of a classic title that, unfortunately, ended after only seven issues.
Writer Arnold Drake and artist Steve Ditko were both Silver Age pros who knew how to make a short story's surprise ending work, as this never-reprinted tale from DC's Mystery in Space #116 (1981) demonstrates.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Reading Room KIDNAPPED BY A SPACE SHIP "Part 6 - Laughing Death"

In the year 1970, two 'tweens and two adults ended up on an alien world...
...where both scientifically-advanced inhabitants and savages co-exist!
Out of the frying pan and into the fire...but science will provide an answer!
This tale from Treasure Chest V14N16 (1959) feels like a chapter from an old movie serial, moving from one peril to the next.
Note that the comic was a bi-weekly, so the readers had to wait two weeks, unlike movie audiences who only had a week between serial chapters at their local theatre!
Writer Frances Crandall followed the accepted concepts of space travel postulated by scientist Werner Von Braun and, illustrated by Chesley Bonestell in various books and magazines like Conquest of Space, and popularized in numerous 1950s movies like Destination Moon and Angry Red Planet!
Artist Fran Matera was also the art director/art editor for Treasure Chest, but is best known for his long run on the Steve Roper and Mike Nomad newspaper strip.

Sunday, July 19, 2015


Each week, we post a limited-edition design, to be sold for exactly 7 days, then replaced with another.
This week, put a "beach read" retro romance comic book cover on your beach blanket, t-shirt, canvas bag, e-reader, and other stuff!
Enjoy...and make sure you have plenty of drinks.
Gotta keep hydrated in this heat!

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Reading Room: SPACE PATROL "Gambling Den of Space"

Here's a tale featuring an evil Plutonian who runs a mobile gambling den...
...from a short-lived series about a pair of interstellar cops in Centaur's Amazing Mystery Funnies!
(Does Kodi look like a prototype for Star Trek: the Next Generation's Ferengi?)
The multi-talented Basil Wolverton wrote, illustrated, lettered, and probably colored, this tale from Amazing Mystery Funnies #22 (1940).
It's one of the first of the "law enforcement in space" sub-genre that prospered in pulp and comic sci-fi in the 1930s and 40s, and carried over to TV in the 1950s.
Note: the 1950s TV/radio series Space Patrol was not based on Wolverton's strip.
(Could you imagine them trying to do the aliens in the gambling ship using 1950s-level makeup techniques?)