Friday, February 14, 2014

Reading Room WEIRD THRILLERS "Princess of the Sea"

Though the cover may not look like it, this is a love story...
Art by Allen Anderson it's a perfect post for Valentine's Day, 2014!
Well, it sure ain't Little Mermaid, or even Splash!
Penciled by Dan Barry and inked by John Giunta, the writer of this tale of love beneath the waves from Ziff-Davis' Weird Thrillers #3 (1952) is, sadly, unknown.
Note: when the story was reprinted in the anthology Weird Romance, it was again given the cover...
...also by an artist named "Anderson", but in this case it was Brent (no relation to Allen) Anderson!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Reading Room: SPACE SQUADRON "Space Demons"

Life in the year 2000 was perilous indeed...
...or so it was said 49 years earlier, when this story from Atlas' Space Squadron #3 (1951) appeared!
Letting Edgar go unpunished despite risking numerous lives was, unfortunately, a typical plot point both in this series, and in later juvenile space-based comics and tv shows like Lost in Space, where, if anyone had any sense, they would've tossed Dr Smith out an airlock without a space suit after his first attempt to kill them...
Illustrated by George Tuska who later became the final artist on the original Buck Rogers comic strip (1959-67) and then assumed the art duties for almost a decade on Marvel's Invincible Iron Man, this was a typical tale of Atlas' resident space hero of the early 1950s.
The writer is unknown, but the scripting is clearly more simplistic and juvenile-oriented than the relatively more-sophisticated Speed Carter several years later.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Reading Room WEIRD THRILLERS "Space-Age Glass"

What a great concept!
Presented in Ziff-Davis' Weird Thrillers #3 (1952), this short extrapolates a kool idea from then-current scientific knowledge.
Sadly, both writer and artist are unknown.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Reading Room: WEIRD THRILLERS "Graveyard in the Antarctic"

With yet another snowstorm bearing down on the East Coast, here's a true tale of frozen fear...
...from the back of Ziff-Davis' Weird Thrillers #4 (1952)!
Illustrated by Marvin Stein, it's purportedly based on a true story.
But I've been unable to verify it...

Monday, February 10, 2014

Show the lady you love that she's your HEROINE on Valentine's Day!

If you'd like to show your woman that you appreciate her strength as well as her beauty, why not give her a Valentine's Day gift that symbolizes exactly that?
We offer dozens of designs showing powerful women doing what they do best!
Whether it's '70s psychedelic or '40s retro, we have a heroine to suit your needs!
There's a kool variety of products ranging from his-and-her garb to mugs and mousepads to messenger and tote bags to blank sketchbooks!
Check out Heroines™!
Your lady (and you) will be glad you did!