Friday, July 12, 2013

Pacific Rim: the MUST-SEE Genre Flick of 2013!

Do you like giant robots aka "mecha"?
Do you like giant monsters aka "kaiju"?
How about together?

No Not like THAT!
(although it is fun)
I mean THIS...
Step away from the computer and go see it...

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Reading Room: ATTACK ON PLANET MARS "Attack on Mars"

It's time for the fateful finale...
Art by Gene Fawcette
In the year 2430, Tarrano, an Earthman, has seized control of both the planet Venus and its outpost on Earth, Venia.
To that outpost, the tyrant has kidnapped Elza and Georg, children of the recently-murdered scientist, Dr Brende, along with reporter Jac Hallen.
While Tarrano plots his upcoming conquest of Earth and Mars, Georg and the captive Venusian princess Maida escape, and then aid Earth's government in planning a pre-emptive attack on Venia.
Meanwhile, back with the captive Jac and Elza...
Based on the novel Tarrano the Conqueror by Ray Cummings, this final chapter of the 1951 comic adaptation was penciled by Carmine Infantino and inked by Vince Alascia.
The writer of the adaptation is unknown.
You can read the original novel on-line HERE (it's not very long) and compare it with the comic!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Reading Room: ATTACK ON PLANET MARS "Fugitives from the Warlord"

We Have Already Seen...
Art by Joe Kubert
Wow, that pretty well covers it, so let's dive into the action!
Based on the novel Tarrano the Conqueror by Ray Cummings, this chapter of the 1951 comic adaptation was penciled by Carmine Infantino and inked by Vince Alascia.
The writer of the adaptation is unknown.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Reading Room: ATTACK ON PLANET MARS "Princess of the Electronized Tower"

Art by Gene Fawcette
In the year 2430, Tarrano, an Earthman, has seized control of both the planet Venus and its outpost on Earth, Venia.
To that outpost, the tyrant has kidnapped Elza and Georg, children of the recently-murdered scientist, Dr Brende, along with reporter Jac Hallen.
Tarrano's agents have assassinated all the national leaders of Earth, leaving the various governments in a state of confusion.
Meanwhile, back in Venia...
"Here goes"...what?
Can the trio defeat an entire city?
Based on the novel Tarrano the Conqueror by Ray Cummings, this chapter of the 1951 comic adaptation was penciled by Carmine Infantino and inked by Vince Alascia.
The writer of the adaptation is unknown.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Reading Room: ATTACK ON PLANET MARS "Tarrano Strikes"

In the 1950s Avon did a number of one-shot comic books...
...based on sci-fi novels.
While most were of tales recently-reprinted by their paperback division,  this one was not.
Does a Fate Worse than Death Await Elza?
And...What is Tarrano's Plan?
Based on the novel Tarrano the Conqueror by Ray Cummings, this chapter of the 1951 comic adaptation was penciled by Carmine Infantino and inked by Joe Kubert, the team who would illustrate the first Silver Age Flash story in DC's Showcase #4 several years later!
The writer of the adaptation is unknown.