Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Reading Room: UNCLE TOM'S CABIN Part 2

Depending on your sensitivity, may be NSFW...
First edition cover. Art by Rolland Livingstone.
We have already seen..
Running up large debts, Kentucky farmer Arthur Shelby faces the prospect of losing everything.
He raises money by selling two of his slaves, Uncle Tom (a middle-aged man with wife and children), and Harry (young son of maid Eliza), to Mr. Haley, a coarse slave trader.
When Shelby tells his wife about his agreement with Haley, she is appalled because she has promised Eliza that Shelby would not sell her son.
Next: As if things couldn't get worse for Uncle Tom...Enter Simon Legree!

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It's retro!
It's funky!
It's Lichtenstein-style Pop Art with a Black flair, featuring a proud Black woman!
(and it's done by a good friend of mine)

Monday, February 20, 2012

Reading Room: UNCLE TOM'S CABIN Part 1

Depending on your sensitivity, may be NSFW...
...but this oft-times banned classic of American Literature should be required reading for all schoolchildren.
This is the Classics Illustrated version, softened for children and first published in 1943.
And we'll be here to see it...tomorrow!

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Funky Pop-Art Stuf!
It's retro!
It's funky!
It's Lichtenstein-style Pop Art with a Black flair, featuring a proud Black woman!
(and it's done by a good friend of mine)

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Preview: THE SPIDER #1 Alternate Cover by Francesco Francavilla

Francesco Francavilla continues to astound us with his renditions of classic pulp heroes...
...ash shown with this alternate cover for the new Spider series from Dynamite!
The look is based on the movie serial version of the character...
...not the original pulp look(s)...
...which is fine by me.
I liked the more distinctive costume from the serial. ;-)

Saturday, February 18, 2012


...that really says it all, doesn't it?
BTW, wouldn't this comic make a great multi-million dollar cgi-fx movie?
(Wait a sec...they're doing a BattleShip flick...)
 Aquatic aliens vs the US Navy!
These guys at American Comics Group were ahead of their time...by over 50 years!
On with the story...
Commander Battle and the Atomic Sub will return...soon!
(I wanna see what happens next, too!)

Script by Richard Hughes, the Stan Lee of ACG who wrote practically everything during his tenure as editor/writer!
Pencils by Sheldon Moldoff, inks by Odgen Whitney and others.

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Friday, February 17, 2012


Now, that's a synopsis!
(For the record, the "saucer" still looks like a doughnut!)
On with the story...
I could see the editorial conference now...
"OK, guys, for our first issue we have..
3-D (sort of) effects!
An atomic sub!
Evil aliens!
A "flying saucer"!
The underwater city of Atlantis!
A giant sea monster!
Did we leave anything out?"
Find out tomorrow in the pulse-pounding conclusion!

Script by Richard Hughes, the Stan Lee of ACG who wrote practically everything during his tenure as editor/writer!
Pencils by Sheldon Moldoff, inks by Odgen Whitney and others.

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