Saturday, February 11, 2012

3-D BONUS: Blinkeys!

The 1960 William Castle movie 13 Ghosts used red/blue 3-D style glasses, but not for 3-D!
While most of the movie was black and white, certain sequences had red and blue tinting.
To see the ghosts, you looked thru the red "lens".
To not see the specters, you looked thru the blue "lens".
But, years earlier, in 1953, Harvey Comics' 3-D comic books offered a similar idea in a series of one-page fillers most of which have never been reprinted...
(Yes, you need those 3-D glasses to read them properly!)
Adventures in 3-D #1. Art by Howard Nostrand
Adventures in 3-D #2. Art by Bob Powell
True 3-D #1. Art by Bob Powell
True 3-D #2. Art by Bob Powell
Hope you enjoyed 3-D Week (and didn't develop eyestrain)!

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Friday, February 10, 2012

3-D: WHACK! "3-D-t's" Part 2

We began 3-D Week with the 3-D-t's and we end the week with them...
...but only two months after WHACK! #1 came out, things for the 3-D comic industry have not gone well at all!
How close was this story to the truth about the collapse of the 3-D comics phemonenon?
Read this page on 3-D comics expert Ray Zone's site, then decide for yourself.
Remember, in the comic story, the names have been changed to protect the guilty!
Reversing roles from the previous 3-D-t's story, Joe Kubert penciled and Norman Maurer inked this story.
Who wrote it is unknown, but it could be either or both of them.

They also satirized those impressionable youngsters who wanted to do 3-D comics...
Wonder how many kids actually sent in a dollar...
We hope you've enjoyed 3-D Week.
Check out our brother and sister RetroBlogs™ (shown on the list at left), all of whom have 3-D stories and features this week!

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Thursday, February 9, 2012


You won't need red/blue 3-D glasses to read today's 3-D comic story, thanks to...
All the benefits!
None of the headaches (except for the artist)!
And now, on with today's story, the cover feature from Adventures into the Unknown #51 (1953)...
The extensive use of Craftint for backgrounds, background objects, and shading is a clever idea, but I can see how it would become visually-irritating on an ongoing basis.
Art by Harry Lazarus, one of a trio of siblings (including Sid and Leon) who all ended up writing and/or illustrating comic books during the 1940s-1960s.
(They are not related to Mell Lazarus, writer/artist of the comic strips Miss Peach and Momma, who also worked in comic books in the 1950s.
Small world, ain't it?)
BTW, for another TrueVision tale, pop over to our "sister" blog True Love Comics Tales™!
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featuring the cover from today's featured story!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

3-D: CAPTAIN 3-D "Man From the World of 'D'" in Color

You won't need a pair of red/blue 3-D glasses to read this version of... presented in the hardcover anthology Simon & Kirby SuperHeroes from Titan Books, restored from scans of both the original art and first-generation photostats used in the original book's production in 1953.
...and here's the original text intro to the character...
(For this you will need 3-D glasses.)
BTW, if you want to see the original 3-D version of this tale, click HERE!
Script by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby, Art by Jack Kirby (pencils) and Joe Simon, Mort Meskin and Steve Ditko (inks).

Taking comic book line art and modifying it to produce a 3-D effect with red and blue colored art was technically simple, so almost every company attempted at least one 3-D book between 1952-55.
Most were 3-D versions of existing comics including Superman, Batman, Tales from the Crypt, even Katy Keene.
However, Captain 3-D was the Simon & Kirby team's attempt to jump on the 3-D bandwagon with NEW material.

As you've just read, Captain 3-D had both a cool premise and nice set-up, playing up the use of glasses to both empower the hero and perceive villains. (The John Carpenter movie They Live! used a similar gimmick)

Unfortunately, a legal battle involving the 3-D process all but killed the financial viability of producing 3-D books, and, though material was already finished, there was never a second issue of Captain 3-D!

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Plus; check out these great Simon & Kirby books...

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

3-D: WHACK! "3-D-t's"

What did people in the comics industry think of the 1950s 3-D fad?
I'd say this 1953 tale from the all-3-D first issue of WHACK! (St John's MAD comic clone) explains it pretty well.
(And, yes, you need those 3-D glasses!)
Penciled by Norman Maurer, inked by Joe Kubert, the writer is unknown, though it could be Maurer.
Next issue, there was a non-3-D sequel story about the collapse of the 3-D comic trend.
Talk about your short-lived fads!
We'll be presenting that story on Friday!

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