Monday, November 14, 2011

Reading Room: CHILDREN OF DOOM Part 1

Presenting a comic the legendary Alan Moore considers "wonderful"...
Quoth Alan Moore from the ninth issue of the must-read mag, Comic Book Artist...
"There's still one of the books, Charlton Premiere—sort of a Showcase title—and I remember in the second or third issue of that, there was this wonderful thing called "Children of Doom" by Pat Boyette, who died recently (in 2000).
It was an incredibly sort of progressive piece of storytelling.
He was obviously, I'd imagine, looking at artists like Steranko that were coming up and messing around with the form and sort of experimenting. 
Pat decided to pitch his own hat into the ring, apparently."

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Flash Gordon Double Feature!

Click on the art to enlarge
Absolutely magnificent covers of issues #2 (below) and #3 (above) for the new Flash Gordon comic from Dynamite by Francesco Francavilla.
Nice to see the comic also utilizing a rather obvious connection between Ming and the Nazis.
(You didn't think Hitler & company developed advanced tech like rockets and jets without help, did you?  ;-)  )

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Metropolis: the Moroder Version on DVD/BluRay

While in the past decade there have been two superb reconstructions of the Fritz Lang masterpiece Metropolis (both well worth viewing or owning), the long OOP 1984 reworking by Giorgio Moroder has held a soft spot in many peoples' hearts (including mine) for his valiant pre-cgi attempt at reconstruction using the best existing print along with stills of expurgated scenes following the novelization written by the movie's screenwriter, Thea Von Harbou (Lang's wife).
Purists screamed about Moroder's use of subtitles instead of intertitles, animation to enhance the stills, color tinting of various segments, and a rock-based music score.
But the "enhanced" version didn't change any of the original story (unlike certain recently-"enhanced" movies [cough] Star Wars [cough]), the subtitles reduced running time by presenting information on-screen during key sequences instead of interrupting them, and the limited animation livened scenes using stills to restore previously-lost plot elements.
The use of color and the rock score are really matters of taste.

At any rate, the Moroder version is finally receiving a dvd/BluRay release this coming week.
Good thing as my VHS of it is wearing out!  ;-)

If you're a fan of Metropolis, rent or buy it as a fascinating "alternate" look at Lang's masterpiece.

Friday, November 11, 2011

With Respect on Veterans Day 2011

A sincere Thank You, men and women of our Armed Forces, past and present, for your dedication and sacrifice.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Man Who Personifies Christmas...

Trash the Tree!
Mangle the Mistletoe!
Exterminate the EggNog!
It's 2011!
And only ONE MAN can show us the True Way to Financial Salvation!
Charles Dickens' immortal hero is back to lead us thru these dark times!
Only Atomic Kommie Comics™ could offer you so many different bargain-priced ways to show how you appreciate Him!
We offer almost two dozen designs including...
Several from the very 1st Edition of A Christmas Carol!
Several from the A Christmas Carol illustrated by legendary fantasy artist Arthur Rackham!
A trio from A Christmas Carol the 1951 movie with Alastair Sim as the definitive screen Scrooge!
PLUS: several other Scrooge and Christmas Carol designs including a "Bah, Humbug!" in classic Victorian-era lettering!
What better way to show what Christmas 2011 means to us all?
Choose from our reasonably-priced Clothing, Collectibles (including 10 or 20 packs of greeting cards /  Christmas cards!) or Aprons & Stockings to proclaim to the world your loyalty to Him!
Give the gift that keeps on giving, even if you, personally, don't!
And "Bah, Humbug!" to all this Holiday Season!