Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Martians! Martians! Martians! (Or what Jan Brady said when she saw War of the Worlds)

Halloween is coming up fast, so what do I think of?
I've always been a big fan of War of the Worlds, whether it's the H.G. Wells novel, Orson Welles' radio adaptation, the '53 movie, the 80s tv series (Year One or Year Two), Jeff Wayne's remarkable concept album, or the many variations, sequels, and pastiches (like my favorite: Sherlock Holmes' War of the Worlds!)
So, I added a line of shirts. mugs, messenger bags, and tchochkes to Atomic Kommie Comics' already bulging sci-fi collectibles section entitled Martians! Martians! Martians! (Or: what Jan Brady said when she saw The War of the Worlds!)
From benevolent visitors to arrogant invaders to an EarthMan turned Martian, we have them all! See The Devil Girl from Mars, Lars of Mars, Man O' Mars, John Carter: WarLord of Mars, and of course, the War of the Worlds' various incarnations!
(BTW, the Tote Bags make great trick-or-treat bags!)
We even have a three-way battle between Earth, Mars, and Venus as well as the campy cult classic Santa Claus Conquers the Martians!
So whether it's for Halloween, Christmas, a birthday, or anytime you feel the urge for alien antics, choose Martians! Martians! Martians!™
As the Martians in Mars Attacks! would say..."Ack! Ack! Ack!"

Monday, September 26, 2011

Out of the Night, When the Full Moon is Bright...

"...comes the Horseman known as Zorro!"
Click on the art to enlarge
It's so big, we had to use two blogs to tell it!
The comic book version of the legendary Disney tv series, featuring art by the amazing Alex Toth!
For Part One, go to our TV/Movie Adaptation blog...
then, either follow the embedded link or return here to go to
for the exciting conclusion and a special video treat!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Design of the Week--The SpaceMan with the Ray Gun!

Each week, we post a limited-edition design, to be sold for exactly 7 days, then replaced with another!
This week...it's the most interesting visual on the set of the new BBC-TV series The Nerdist.
Like it's counterpart on the wall of Sheldon & Leonard's apartment in The Big Bang Theory (Click HERE for that art), it's based on a classic cover from the Golden Age.
This image is from Ace Comics' Space Action #2, published in 1952, almost 60 years ago!
And here's the really weird thing...it has nothing to do with any of the stories in the comic!
Yes, it's the old "this scene on the cover does not occur on the inside" trick!
As to who the artist is, there's speculation it's either Lou Cameron or Matt Fox, both of whom had considerable sci-fi experience.

Choose from iPod and iPad cases, t-shirts, mugs, and other goodies by clicking HERE!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Man with the Gun

Who is he?
Where is he?
When is he?
what is his relationship to the new BBC tv series The Nerdist?
Find out tomorrow!
Same Nerd Time!
Same Nerd Channel!

Friday, September 23, 2011

"Where No Man has Gone Before" 2.0

The adventures of the Starship Enterprise continue with the new cast from the film...
Click on the art to enlarge
...as they embark on missions that re-imagine select stories from the original television series, along with new threats and characters never seen before.
Now, compare that to the original version of (most) of the same sequence...

Note the differences due to the altered timeline.
Spock doesn't play chess with Kirk.
Gary Mitchell bitching about being back-up to "Sulu and the Russian kid". (Sulu was ship's physicist and Chekov wasn't even aboard in the original ep.)
Makes me wonder how they're going to handle the inevitable encounter on Talos IV (which never happened in the movie-Trek universe)