Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Comic Book Adventures of Captain Video!

Are you missing out on reading the four-color tales of Ed Norton's favorite tv character, the first space hero, the Man Who Will Save Us All From Certain Doom?
Click HERE to read them!
and the kool Captain Video stuff from Amazon, available below!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

DC Comics Comments about the Fans...

Click on the art to enlarge
Part of DC's presentation to retailers at this year's San Diego ComicCon.
Well, at least they used classic Silver Age art! (But why did they screw up The Atom's costume colors?)
And these fandom-related goodies from Amazon...

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Doc Savage and Spider-Man...the Team-Up that ISN'T a Team-Up!

Click on the art to enlarge
Currently-running over at our "brother" blog Hero & Heroine Histories™ is a never-reprinted Doc Savage comic story from 1975's Giant-Size Spider-Man #3.
Yes, Spider-Man and Doc Savage!
Sort of.
Want to know what we're talking about?
Click HERE!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Reading Room: RACE FOR THE MOON "Space Garbage"

Here's a tale that could be considered a "Space Western"...
...though it's actually from Race to the Moon #3 in 1958, several years after Space Western Comics folded.
Prospectors, claim jumpers, gunmen, fist-fights, a "frontier" town...
Seems like a Western in space to me...
Art by two legends in the field; Jack Kirby and Al Williamson.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Tax Cuts for Corporations & the Rich...

I don't usually get involved in politics on this blog...
but this whole budget mishigas in Washington has me confused.
Why can't we tax the rich?
Why can't we tax corporations?