Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Reading Room: Pussycat: Agent of S.C.O.R.E. in "Merry Mixed-Up Miss"

Didn't know Austin Powers had a sister, did you?
Actually, he doesn't.
Pussycat preceded Austin by several decades, but we'll save the background for our next entry.
Enjoy this titillating tale, written by Stan Lee and drawn by Wally Wood and Bill Ward!
...for now!
But, Pussycat will return...

Check out the

Monday, April 25, 2011

Have NO Fear! The Man of Bronze is...THERE!

Currently running at our brother RetroBlog™, Hero & Heroine Histories™, is the never-reprinted Movie Edition of Doc Savage: The Man of Bronze.
It's not even included in the new trade paperback from DC reprinting Marvel's Doc series from 1972!
Miss it at your peril!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Design of the Week--Little Red Riding Hood

Each week, we post a limited-edition design, to be sold for exactly 7 days, then replaced with another!
This week...with a new, mature-oriented version of Little Red Riding Hood coming out...

...we thought it might be nice to see a retro, wholesome classic image of the child who outwits the hungry predator.
A vintage illustration suitable for all ages, and emblazoned on a slew of goodies including kidswear, womenswear, mugs, iPhone cases, etc.
Why not go "Secret Chic" and wear it to the theatre?
Better order NOW, before the Big Bad Wolf gobbles them all up!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Reading Room: TARA: QUEEN OF THE SPACE PIRATES in "Eight Hands of Tenslith"

We continue the space-spanning saga of Tara, Queen of the Space Pirates with this tale from Wonder Comics #17.
There was no origin story, but the splash pages usually gave a brief set-up for new readers.
Art was, again, by Gene Fawcette, one of the better illustrators of the period, who usually penciled and inked his sci-fi, horror, and good-girl material (or strips that combined them like Tara) for Fiction House, Avon, and Better.
BTW, the cover for this issue features characters from the premiere Tara story that appeared in Wonder Comics #15.  You can see the cover, along with Tara's first appearance HERE.

And check out the

Friday, April 22, 2011

Our Newest RetroBlog--Secret Sanctum of Captain Video

We're proud to announce a new addition to the Atomic Kommie Comics™ family of RetroBlogs™.
Secret Sanctum of Captain Video™ will run weekly (or better) entries on classic sci-fi/fantasy movies, tv shows, and radio shows.
Besides offering background on the tv series or movies, we'll often present the comic adaptations of those presentations, many never reprinted since their initial release!
After the initial Captain Video tv show video and comic presentation we're running over the next couple of days, the Secret Sanctum will unspool the comic adaptation of George Pal's The Time Machine by Alex Toth as well as several related vids and a gallery of posters, including HTF foreign versions.
And, of course, links to books, dvds and other goodies related to the particular movie/tv show being presented.

NOTE: Comic book versions of movie or tv adaptations of already-existing comic or pulp properties will be shown at Hero and Heroine Histories™.
For example, the Doc Savage: the Man of Bronze 1975 movie tie-in (which is not included in the current trade paperback reprint from DC) is our main feature at H&HH next week, with The Shadow movie adaptation to follow early in June.

Bookmark Secret Sanctum of Captain Video™ or use the rss feed.
It's gonna be a fun ride and you don't want to miss it!

Check out the
and the kool Captain Video stuff from Amazon, available below!