Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Reading Room: Alien Invasions: Captain Video Part 2

YouTube Wednesday has been moved to Thursday this week only.
Read the first part of this tale HERE.
Aliens operating on the Dark Side of the Moon plan to attack Earth, and only Captain Video (with the Video Ranger) can stop them...
You may ask, "What's so special about this? It's typical sci-fi."
And you'd be right.
Except, due to it's low-budget nature, the Captain Video TV show and movie serial showed aliens who looked like this...
The "alien invasion force" from Captain Video; the Serial. Note Captain Video (Judd Holdren) and the Ranger on the left in clever disguises.
Only in the comic, unencumbered by financial or special effect restrictions, was the full, unfettered potential of the show realized.

Check out the
and the kool Captain Video stuff from Amazon, available below!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Reading Room: Alien Invasions: Captain Video

Yes, Ed Norton's idol, TV's first space commander battled alien invaders as well as terrestrial threats!
From Captain Video #5...
To be continued, tomorrow!
Same Blog Time!
Same Blog Feed!

Check out the
and the kool Captain Video stuff from Amazon, available below!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Design of the Week--"...fill my f@#%ing gas tank!"

Each week, we post a limited-edition design, to be sold for exactly 7 days, then replaced with another!
This your outrage at rising gas prices!
If you share my depression / outrage / fear over the economy, voice your opinion visually with a bumper sticker, shirt, tote bag, key chain, mug, or other kool kollectible showing it takes selling the world's most expensive baseball card (Honus Wagner T-206) just to fill your gas tank!
(OK, it's an exaggeration, but the way things are going...)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Reading Room: Alien Invasions: Man O' Mars

With Battle: LA opening this week, we thought we'd present some of the more memorable alien invasion-themed comic stories of the Golden Age.
First up...the lead story from a 1953 one-shot that combined all the great cliches of space opera in one tight ten-page tale...
These days, this story would be a six-issue mini-series with tie-ins to several other titles.
The rest of the book was made up of unrelated reprints from earlier issues of Planet Comics.
While the interior artist is unidentified in the Grand Comics Database, it looks, IMHO, like either the pencils or inks were by Mort Meskin.
The cover was done by Maurice Whitman, one of Fiction House's more prolific artists.
When the book was reprinted in 1958, yet another cover was done (see left), featuring totally different-looking characters and flying saucers that appeared nowhere in the story!

We included the original cover as part of our Martians! Martians! Martians! retro collectibles line including mugs, t-shirts and other nifty stuff.
There's lots of vintage alien invasion-themed stuff there, as well as at SpaceMan Jet and the SpaceBusters (whom we'll also be presenting in the Reading Room this week), and Quatermass: the Man Who Inspired the X-Files!
Keep checking back for more alien fun!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Before Beastly was Cocteau's Beauty and the Beast

 Once Upon a Time...
Before lovely Vanessa Hudgens fell for that tattooed guy, there was a classic movie based on the legendary fairy tale.
Here are five magnificent, HTF posters advertising that film!
Available on mugs, t-shirts, bags, and many more kool kollectibles!