Thursday, August 13, 2009

Design of the Week--The War that Will NEVER Happen...

Each week, we post a limited-edition design, to be sold for exactly 7 days, then replaced with another!
This week...
You can look good while you duck-and-cover with our kool, retro (but not radiation-proof) World War III kollectibles showing a possible future nuking of the Capital building in Washington DC by an unnamed foreign power!
This 1950s one-shot comic detailed the possible events leading up to the Final War and how, thru constant vigilance against the Commie Threat, we average American citizens can thwart it!

Then, it was the U.S.S.R., since North Korea had no nuclear weapons.
Today, the U.S.S.R. is gone, replaced by the less-dangerous Russia.
However, a Communist nuclear threat remains...but now it's North Korea!
The more things change, the more they stay the same (sort of).

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Fantastic Femmes--Alexa Vega

Note: this page has been updated with NEW info HERE!
Currently starring as the title character in the tv series Ruby & the Rockits, Alexa Ellesse Vega was a child star, making her debut in the movie Little Giants and tv series Evening Shade at age 6 and hasn't stopped working since!
Trivia: Utilizing her training in gymnastics, she performed most of her character's stunts in the Spy Kids films.
Alexa was going to play Stacey Thompson in Shorts (directed by Spy Kids writer/director Robert Rodriguez), but had to drop it due to a scheduling conflict.
She's performed songs on three soundtracks for films she's been in: Spy Kids 2, Spy Kids 3-D, and Repo (all genre films!)
Alexa made her Broadway debut in 2007 in Hairspray!Genre appearances include...
The Mine (Sharon)
Repo! the Genetic Opera (Shilo Wallace)
Spy Kids / Spy Kids 2: Island of Lost Dreams / Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over
(Carmen Cortez)
NetForce (Susie Michaels)
Dennis the Menace Strikes Again (Gina Gillotti)
Shattered Mind aka Terror Inside (Sarah)

Check out...
Alexa's MySpace page
Alexa Forever (FanPage)Other actresses to play Gina Gillotti include...
Katie Leigh in All-New Dennis the Menace

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I've Got My EYE On You!

The Eye was a giant, flaming, sentient eyeball!
The actual title of the strip was "The Eye Sees..." and no origin was ever given to the character, but the implication was that The Eye was an extradimensional or extraterrestrial entity, not a human ghost or reincarnated spirit like The Spectre or Captain Trumph, as he (it) didn't really understand human behavior, but was obsessed with the concept of justice, working hand in...whatever...with private eye Jack Barrister in dispensing it.
Like The Spectre, The Eye had near-infinite abilities including being able to warp and alter time and space, although he (it) usually limited him (it)self to generating heat rays or a searchlight beam, grow or shrink, fly, and teleport just about anywhere.

He (it) appeared in every issue of Keen Detective Comics from #16 onward to the end of the run, sometimes as the cover feature.
Then, he (it) was given his own title, Detective Eye, for two issues, ironically featuring fellow hero Air Man on the first cover and Jack Barrister (without The Eye) on the second!

We at Atomic Kommie Comics™ have revived The Eye as part of our Lost Heroes of the Golden Age of Comics™ line, on t-shirts, messenger bags, mugs and other kool kollectibles!
While he (it) hasn't been included in Alex Ross' Project SuperPowers as of yet, we think we'll be seeing him soon!
So keep an eye out for...The Eye, because he (it) will be watching you!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Jay Chou IS...

The Green Hornet!
Chou is a singer / actor whose credits include the male ingenue lead in Curse of the Golden Flower, so he has both acting and action experience!
ALSO: Edward James Olmos has joined the cast, but as a good guy...or a bad guy?
Green Hornet art by Gil Kane

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Revenge of SuperPowers Sunday

This is the FINAL Sunday we'll present the nifty updated designs of the Project SuperPowers characters by Alex Ross along with links to a couple of Squidoo pages of background info and links about the series and characters...
Alex Ross' Project SuperPowers
(featuring characters who've been cover-featured)
Alex Ross' Project SuperPowers Strikes Again!
(featuring the other characters)
Erik Larsen's the Next Issue Project & Savage Dragon
(featuring several of the same characters as Project SuperPowers and others, but set in a different universe!)

In addition, you can find Atomic Kommie Comics™ kool kollectibles emblazoned with the ORIGINAL 1940s classic cover art featuring these classic characters...
Air Man
The Black Owl
(both of them!)
Boy King
Dart & Ace
Doc Strange (aka "Doc")
Golden Lad
Man of War
Rainbow Boy
Yank & Doodle
Lost Heroes of the Golden Age of Comics™!
SparkMan will be added shortly. but, unfortunately, we've been unable to find solo cover appearances for Man O'Metal.
If you know of any, e-mail us the issue numbers and we'll track 'em down and scan them!

And don't forget to buy the NEWEST Project SuperPowers comics including...
Black Terror,
Death Defying 'Devil,
and Project SuperPowers "Volume 2",
as well as Savage Dragon!