Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Fantastic Femmes--Natalie Morales

Not to be confused with the network news reporter, Natalie Morales is an enigma surrounded by mystery!
After only two previous appearances we can trace, (as well as an unaired pilot she produced as well as starrred in) she won the co-starring role in the genre tv series The MiddleMan!
Since it's unfortunate (and IMHO premature) demise, she's done several projects, none of which have aired or screened yet.
Natalie's beautiful, a talented performer who does drama, comedy and action well, and can even handle production duties!
Why aren't Hollywood decision makers beating a path to her door?
It's a mystery!
UpDate: She's now a regular on the USA Network genre series White Collar!
Genre appearances include...
White Collar (Lauren Cruz)
MiddleMan (Wendy Watson)
Pimp My Ride [VG] (Aiyana)
CSI Miami "DarkRoom" (Ana Boa Vista)
Check out...
Biography on the Official MiddleMan site
Another mystery...why aren't there sites dedicated to her???

Monday, August 3, 2009

Does Your Daughter Need a SuperHeroine?

That's what Peggy Orenstein asks in a recent Sunday NY Times article.
While searching for a fantasy role model for her 6-year old daughter, she bemoans the fact that today's super women are "more mammary than muscle", and that (except for Wonder Woman), most are just female variations of more-popular heroes (SuperGirl, BatGirl & BatWoman, Spider-Girl, She-Hulk, etc.)

Luckily for Ms. Ornstein, we have an alternative for clothing & collectibles featuring empowered heroines who aren't femme versions of established heroes, and aren't built like inflatable adult toys...

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Son of SuperPowers Sunday!

For the next few Sundays, we're going to present the nifty updated designs of the Project SuperPowers characters by Alex Ross along with links to a couple of Squidoo pages of background info and links about the series and characters...
Alex Ross' Project SuperPowers
(featuring characters who've been cover-featured)
Alex Ross' Project SuperPowers Strikes Again!
(featuring the other characters)
Erik Larsen's the Next Issue Project & Savage Dragon
(featuring several of the same characters as Project SuperPowers and others, but set in a different universe!)

In addition, you can find Atomic Kommie Comics™ kool kollectibles emblazoned with the ORIGINAL 1940s classic cover art featuring these classic characters...
The Arrow
The Black Terror & Tim
The Blue Bolt
Captain Battle & Capt Battle Jr
(aka Death-Defying 'Devil
& Dynamic DareDevil)
The Green Mask & Domino
Sub-Zero Man
U.S. Jones
Lost Heroes of the Golden Age of Comics™!
Unfortunately, we've been unable to find solo cover appearances for either The Liberator or Vulcan.
If you know of any, e-mail us the issue numbers and we'll track 'em down and scan them!

And don't forget to buy the NEWEST Project SuperPowers comics including...
Black Terror
Death Defying 'Devil
and Project SuperPowers "Volume 2",
as well as Savage Dragon!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Sorceress of Zoom--Villain or Heroine?

One of a number of comics anti-heroes who at times helped humanity and other times opposed it (best typified by Prince Namor the Sub-Mariner), The Sorceress of Zoom was the immortal ruler of an other-dimensional city which popped into our universe from time to time.
The Sorceress (she never had any other name) was not evil, but simply thought humanity was inferior and should be ruled by her as were the creatures she created to populate Zoom after all the original inhabitants, except her, died!
When two average everyday people named Tom and Janice inadvertently became involved in her affairs, her attitude slowly shifted from arrogant superiority to arrogant benevolence as she decided not to rule the Earth, but help against the greater threat of the real-life Axis.

Credited to the nom-de-plume "Sandra Swift", The Sorceress' adventures were drawn (and probably written) by Don Rico, a prolific creator of the '40s and early '50s with credits at almost every comics company including Timely (later Marvel).
She had her own feature in Weird Comics for it's entire 20-issue run, but only made the cover once, on issue #4.
While she hasn't appeared in the Project SuperPowers Universe as of yet, it seems inevitable that Alex Ross won't let a character with such potential go un-utilized for long!

We at Atomic Kommie Comics™ are already utilizing The Sorceress as part of our Lost Heroes of the Golden Age of Comics™ line, with her only cover appearance on t-shirts, messenger bags, mugs and other kool kollectibles!

So, if you're looking for pop-culture collectibles featuring a powerful woman who doesn't take s**t from anyone, check out The Sorceress of Zoom!