Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Stan Lee (1922-2018) IN the Comics (Part 2)

As we have previously seen, the late, great Stan Lee would occasionally cameo in the books he wrote and/or edited... in this tale from Atlas' Astonishing #4 (1951), written by Hank Chapman (who's the protaganist) and illustrated by Wayne (Superman) Boring!
The snarky Stan Lee we all knew and loved finally appeared in several stories illustrated by Dan (Archie) DeCarlo... this one from Atlas' Casper the Friendly Ghost imitator Homer the Happy Ghost (V1N18 in 1958)...
...and this never-reprinted tale from Atlas' My Friend Irma #41 (1954), based on a then-popular radio/tv/movie character!
As the Silver Age dawned, Stan continued to appear in more "breaking the fourth wall" stories, including this one from Atlas' Amazing Adult Fantasy #12 (1962) rendered by co-star Steve (Spider-Man/Dr Strange) Ditko...
Note the story's title is "Something Fantastig!"
Sometimes Stan didn't properly proofread his own work!
There's more, gang. but you'll have to wait until tomorrow to see them!
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Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Stan Lee 1922-2018

This is how I first saw Stan Lee in the 1960s... the host/showman of Marvel's Fantasy Masterpieces reprint anthology!
But, he had already made several appearances in the comics a character!
In this fourth-wall breaking tale where we met the creatives behind Timely's Terry-Toons Comics, we don't see Stan until the end of the story...
...since, at the time of this tale (Terry-Toons Comics #12 in 1943), he was only the office boy at Timely (though he didn't have red hair)!
Stan wrote Secrets Behind the Comics in 1947, expanding on an article he had penned for Writers' Digest!
...and had, in five years, become Managing Editor and Art Director!
We've already run most of the book...
...and the rest will follow this week!
Stan preferred to stay behind the scenes, but the early 1950s persecution of comics as being the driving force behind juvenile delinquency compelled him to script a tale...
...Raving Maniac!...where he explains how comics are no different than other forms of children's literature!
Be here tomorrow, as we continue our look at Stan Lee in the comics...
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Monday, November 12, 2018

Monday Madness ALICE "Rock-Candy Mountain"

Most of the Alice stories involved non-Lewis Carroll concepts...
...including this one featuring a rather Willy Wonka-esque character!
Is Alice a psychotic who can't tell reality from fantasy, or does she just have a wild imagination?
Only creator/writer/artist Dave Berg knew the answer to this never-reprinted tale from Ziff-Davis' Alice #10 (1951), and he ain't talking (because he passed away over 15 years ago)!
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Sunday, November 11, 2018

100 Years Ago Today...

...the "War to End All Wars" (we hoped) came to a conclusion.
In those pre-Internet (even pre-radio) days, print media played a vital role!
When France presented the United States with the great Statue of Liberty, which stands at our gates, she little thought how powerful that symbol of her friendship would some day prove!
By its shining light we now march to her aid!
...a book of the New York Herald newspaper's editorial cartoons, entitled America's Black & White Book: One Hundred Pictured Reasons WHY WE ARE AT WAR, hit bookstores like a bombshell!
Editorial illustrator's W.A. Rogers' visceral renderings, previously seen only by NYC readers, reached a national audience already enraged by atrocities like the sinking of the Lusitania and ready to kick the Central Powers' collective ass!
The illustration above is the final piece in the book.
You can read (and/or download) the entire book from the Smithsonian's website HERE!

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Make This a STAR WARS Christmas...

...with the
...available from Amazon,  if you're a little old-fashioned, as a CD, LP, or audio cassette!
Strangely, it's not available as a Digital Download!
But at least, it's available, unlike the Stars Wars Holiday Special!