Showing posts with label tv. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tv. Show all posts

Saturday, July 8, 2023

Space Hero Saturdays CAPTAIN VIDEO "Dark Side of the Moon" Conclusion

Aliens operating on the Dark Side of the Moon plan to attack Earth, and only Captain Video (with the Video Ranger) can stop them...

You may ask, "What's so special about this? It's typical sci-fi."
And you'd be right.
Except, due to their extremely low-budget nature, the Captain Video TV show and movie serial showed aliens who looked like this...

The "alien invasion force" from Captain Video; the Serial.
Note Captain Video (Judd Holdren) and the Ranger on the left in "clever" disguises.

Only in the comic, unencumbered by financial or special effect restrictions, was the full, unfettered potential of the concept realized.

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Saturday, July 1, 2023

Space Hero Saturdays CAPTAIN VIDEO "Dark Side of the Moon" Part 1

Captain Aero and Captain Midnight were not the only "captains" to journey into outer space!

Ed Norton's idol, TV's first Space Hero, takes on evil wherever it threatens Mankind, even the Moon!
From Fawcett's Captain Video #5 (1951)...

To Be Concluded...

Pencils by George Evans, inks by Martin Thall!
Sadly, the writer is unknown!
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Saturday, June 3, 2023

Space Heroine? Saturdays CRAZY "Tess Orbit: Lace Cadet"

MAD wasn't the only satire anthology comic in the pre-Code days...
..though it was both the best-known and best written/drawn of an entire herd of titles!
This never-reprinted tale, spoofing the TV/radio series Tom Corbett: Space Cadet, was probably the best story in Atlas' Crazy #1 (1953), and actually feels more like one of the risque PussyCat short features the Marvel Bullpen did for Marvel's publisher Martin Goodman's laddie magazines!
(Goodman owned both Marvel and a magazine publishing company until he sold Marvel in 1972.)
The strip is illustrated by Al Hartley, who did a lot of romance work (along with some sci-fi and horror) and eventually became a mainstay of Archie Comics in the late 1960s through the '70s.
(For the record, Hartley also co-created and illustrated Atlas' Leopard Girl I for her entire run)
But the writer is unknown.
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Friday, May 12, 2023

Friday Fun ROWAN & MARTIN'S LAUGH IN "Five Year Plan for the Moon" & " Used by Our Astronaughts in Space!"

Though largely-forgotten today...
Wraparound cover of #12
Artist Unknown
...this 1960s comedy-variety TV series was ground-breaking in a number of ways.
Besides the show's anti-Establishment content, which was always a source of contention with NBC network censors, it had an amazing amount of tie-in merchandise...including a MAD-style magazine!
In 1969, with the first Moon landing about to occur, the mag took a couple of looks at the space program...
By the time these features appeared in the final issue of Laufer Publishing's Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In (#12 in 1969), the use of images of the actual performers from the show had been reduced to the cover and a couple of one-pagers based on long-running gags like the "Flying Fickle Finger of Fate Award".
Laufer Publishing was best-known for the legendary 1960s-70s teen magazine Tiger Beat!,...
...which continues to this day as a website, though not a print magazine!

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Friday, January 20, 2023

Friday Fun EH! "That's How T.V. was Born!!"

For the record, this is not a true story!
In fact, this never-reprinted tale from Charlton's EH! #1 (1953) isn't even close to the truth!

But, in the pre-cybertech era of the 1950s when all that existed was radio and blurry black-and-white TVs, this feature illustrated by Dick Ayers made a lot more sense.
As they say,"You had to be there!"
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Sunday, December 25, 2022


My all-time favorite Doctor Who is #3, played by Jon Pertwee...
Jon as The Doctor with Eizabeth Sladen as Sarah Jane Smith, his final companion when this documentary about Kris Kringle, packaged as a tale featuring Pertwee as a psychiatrist with a patient (James Coco) who thinks he's Santa Claus, ran on A&E in the late 1980s, I taped it and showed it every Christmas...until the tape jammed!
Now I (and you) can enjoy it once more... 
Merry Christmas!!!

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder WALKING DEAD ZOMBIE SPECIAL "Dead Mass"

We've reached the finale of the original Walking Dead series...

...but keep reading!
There's more to see after this surreal tale!
The final tale by Walking Dead's creator/writer/artist Jim Somerville went into realms inconceivable in the original science fiction-themed story (as shown HERE)!
Somerville went on to other projects, including series based on the Alien and Predator movies at Dark Horse, but Aircel wasn't through with zombies..specifically these zombies!
A year later, they ran a sequel series...
...which didn't specifically state it was a sequel, but did follow up on the original Walking Dead's premise by introducing the two alien races whose space battle resulted in the crashed starship whose cargo created the zombies!
It also introduced a concept so over the top, that we can't present the series here!
But, if there's a demand for it, we'll run in in our adults-only blog Not Safe for Work Comics!
What say you?

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Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder WALKING DEAD ZOMBIE SPECIAL "Dead or Dead" Conclusion

When Last We Left the Sheriff in the Zombie Apocalypse...

...again, not that sheriff, but a delusional teenager who perceives zombies and threatening humans (like bikers) as classic Western baddies, thus explaining the story's title which is a riff on the old-style wanted poster caption of "Dead or Alive"!
There's one more never-reprinted tale of the original Walking Dead, and you'll see it here...
Next Wednesday...
along with info about an unauthorized sequel from the same publisher!

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