Showing posts with label plague. Show all posts
Showing posts with label plague. Show all posts

Thursday, April 23, 2020

CoronaVirus Comics REAL HEROES "Plague Vanquished"

Not all comics heroes wear capes... this tale of Edward Jenner, the doctor who saved us from smallpox, proves!
Who says comics ain't educational?
Not me, kiddo!
This never-reprinted story from Parent Magazines' Real Heroes #15 (1946) was one of several graphic dramatizations of Jenner's achievement which has saved countless lives since its' introduction!
Depending on how long the Covid-19 lockdown continues, we may have time to run all of them!
Sadly, both writer and illustrator(s) are unknown!
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Rabbit and Cat's CoronaVirus Jokes for Such a Time as This
Volume One

Saturday, April 18, 2020

CORONAVIRUS COMICS...Because Real Life is TOO Scary...

...we present tales of fictional epidemics/pandemics daily here on this blog...
...and our other RetroBlogs, including our newest one...
...Medical Comics...
...Secret Sanctum of Captain Video...
...Crime & Punishment...
...True Love Comics Tales
(you'd be amazed at how many romance comics stories involve disease)...
...Not Safe for Work Comics...
...Seduction of the Innocent...

...Western Comics Adventures...
Besides the daily posts here at Atomic Kommie Comics, there'll be at several new ones spread out among the various RetroBlogs each week!
Don't Miss Them!

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

CoronaVirus Comics FLASH GORDON COMICS "Real Enemy"

Though deliberate use of disease as a weapon is forbidden by all civilized countries on Earth...
...sometimes inadvertent use against a technologically-superior enemy may be the only thing that saves us!
Written by Joe Gill and illustrated by Pete Morisi (who signed his work "PAM" because comics were his moonlighting gig after his full-time job as a member of the NYPD), this backup tale from Charlton's Flash Gordon #16 (1969) takes the concept from the finale of HG Wells' War of the Worlds and shows Earth disease destroying the entire population of the alien homeworld, not just an invasion force as in Wells' novel!
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Saturday, April 11, 2020

Here Come CORONAVIRUS COMICS to Take Your Mind Off the Real World... presenting tales of fictional epidemics/pandemics daily on this blog...
...and our other RetroBlogs, including our newest one...
...Medical Comics...
...Secret Sanctum of Captain Video...
...Crime & Punishment...

(you'd be amazed at how many romance comics stories involve disease)...
...Western Comics Adventures...
Besides the daily posts here at Atomic Kommie Comics, there'll be at several new ones spread out among the various RetroBlogs each week!
Don't Miss Them!

Thursday, April 9, 2020

CoronaVirus Comics AMAZING ADULT FANTASY "Plague"

As Don da Con's paranoiac nationalism grows...
...lets consider a lesson in what such obsessions can lead to, courtesy of a Cold War parable...
I doubt Spider-Man and Dr Strange co-creators, writer Stan Lee and artist Steve Ditko, ever thought that someone with similar tendencies to the star of this tale from Atlas' Amazing Adult Fantasy #12 (1962) would ever sit in the Oval Office...
(Come to think of it, it's doubtful the Cheeto Benito would ever send any country anything simply as a "gesture of good will"!)
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Amazing (Adult) Fantasy Omnibus
...a 2007 book which features the story above in the only reprint of it ever published!

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Because Something Should Take Your Mind Off the Current Medical Disaster...Here Come CORONAVIRUS COMICS... presenting tales of fictional epidemics/pandemics both on this blog...
...and our other RetroBlogs, including our newest one...
...Medical Comics...
...Western Comics Adventures...
...True Love Comics Tales
(you'd be amazed at how many romance comics stories involve disease)...
...Seduction of the Innocent...
Besides the daily posts here at Atomic Kommie Comics, there'll be at several new ones spread out among the various RetroBlogs each week!
Don't Miss Them!