Showing posts with label plague. Show all posts
Showing posts with label plague. Show all posts

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Take Your Mind Off How CoronaVirus is Destroying America as We Know It...

...with free comics of fictional epidemics/pandemics destroying America (or Earth) Mon-Fri here on this blog...
...and weekly / bi-weekly on our other RetroBlogs, including our newest one...
...Medical Comics...
(You'd be amazed at how many romance comics stories revolve around disease!)...
...Seduction of the Innocent...

...and the aptly-named
Besides the daily posts here at Atomic Kommie Comics, there'll be at several new ones spread out among the various RetroBlogs each week!
Don't Miss Them!

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

CoronaVirus Comics VAMPIRELLA MAGAZINE "Masque of the Red Death"

We've presented several versions of Edgar Allan Poe's tale of pandemic pandemonium HERE...
...and HERE...
...and HERE... fact, its' one of the most re-told tales of classic horror that doesn't involve a classic "monster" like Frankenstein or Dracula!
Here's another rarely-seen (in fact, never-reprinted) version from Warren's Vampirella #110 (1984)...
Written by Rich Margopoulos, and illustrated by Rafael Auraleón, this is one of the moodier and graphically-gruesome versions, stopping just short of qualifying for our Not Safe for Work Comics Retroblog!
Please Support Seduction of the Innocent!
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Saturday, May 2, 2020

Due to CoronaVirus, there's NO Free Comic Book Day on the 1st Saturday in May...

...but you can always read free tales of fictional epidemics/pandemics Mon-Fri here on this blog...
...and weekly / bi-weekly on our other RetroBlogs, including our newest one...
(You'd be amazed at how many romance comics stories revolve around disease!)...
...and the aptly-named
Besides the daily posts here at Atomic Kommie Comics, there'll be at several new ones spread out among the various RetroBlogs each week!
Don't Miss Them!

Friday, May 1, 2020

Friday Fun / CoronaVirus Comics JUGHEAD ANNUAL Reggie in "Plague Take It!"

What's more painful?
A real disease...or a deception involving a non-existent disease?
The running gag of Reggie trying to date Midge behind Big Moose's back (always with disastrous consequences) has continued to this day (although somewhat less violently)!
BTW, the page sequence shown here is as printed, though you'd think Page 3 and 4 should be reversed!
This tale from Archie Comics' Jughead Annual #7 (1959) was not the first Archie story with this title!
A shorter, unrelated, and never-reprinted feature starring Betty & Veronica appeared in Archie Giant (Christmas Stocking) #1 (1954)!
Plus: this Reggie tale was only reprinted a 1982 digest, so I think 38 years is long enough for it to remain hidden from fans' eyes!
Please Support Atomic Kommie Comics!
Visit Amazon and Order...
A Celebration of America's Favorite Teenagers

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Disinfect Your Mind with an Injection of CORONAVIRUS COMICS... we present tales of fictional epidemics/pandemics daily here on this blog...
...and our other RetroBlogs, including our newest one...
(You'd be amazed at how many romance comics stories revolve around disease!)...
...and the aptly-named
Besides the daily posts here at Atomic Kommie Comics, there'll be at several new ones spread out among the various RetroBlogs each week!
Don't Miss Them!