Showing posts with label fawcett. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fawcett. Show all posts

Saturday, July 8, 2023

Space Hero Saturdays CAPTAIN VIDEO "Dark Side of the Moon" Conclusion

Aliens operating on the Dark Side of the Moon plan to attack Earth, and only Captain Video (with the Video Ranger) can stop them...

You may ask, "What's so special about this? It's typical sci-fi."
And you'd be right.
Except, due to their extremely low-budget nature, the Captain Video TV show and movie serial showed aliens who looked like this...

The "alien invasion force" from Captain Video; the Serial.
Note Captain Video (Judd Holdren) and the Ranger on the left in "clever" disguises.

Only in the comic, unencumbered by financial or special effect restrictions, was the full, unfettered potential of the concept realized.

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Saturday, July 1, 2023

Space Hero Saturdays CAPTAIN VIDEO "Dark Side of the Moon" Part 1

Captain Aero and Captain Midnight were not the only "captains" to journey into outer space!

Ed Norton's idol, TV's first Space Hero, takes on evil wherever it threatens Mankind, even the Moon!
From Fawcett's Captain Video #5 (1951)...

To Be Concluded...

Pencils by George Evans, inks by Martin Thall!
Sadly, the writer is unknown!
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Saturday, June 17, 2023

Space Hero Saturdays CAPTAIN MIDNIGHT "Moon Creatures!"

...and yes, it was a little longer than we intended between posts.
Sorry about that.
Luckily, the author can fill you in on what you may have forgotten...
Now, let's continue...
With this conclusion of the "Moon Expedition" two-parter from Fawcett's Captain Midnight #50 (1947), Captain Midnight became a full-fledged Space Hero, with an off-Earth adventure (usually cover-featured) in almost every issue until the end of his Golden Age run.
There were still occasional down-to-earth criminals and saboteurs, but extraterrestrials became the primary foes of the Sovereign of the Skies!
Next Week:
Witness as the Least-Likely Multi-Media Hero of All Journeys into Space!
You'll Never Guess Who!

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Saturday, December 31, 2022

Space Hero Saturdays CAPTAIN MIDNIGHT "Trip to the Moon!" let's join him as he returns to the dark depths for a never-reprinted adventure!
Though this tale from Fawcett's Captain Midnight #49 (1947) wasn't the cover feature, the sci-fi oriented stories would soon come to dominate the book's editorial you'll see next year!
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(...which doesn't include the story we presented here!)

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Space Hero Saturdays CAPTAIN MIDNIGHT "...visits the Golden Asteroid"

Like fellow WWII aviator Captain Aero...

...Captain Midnight made the transition from fighter pilot to spaceship pilot while keeping his shirt on...unlike Captain Aero!
Two plot points:
1) Weird that the villain didn't recognize Captain Midnight as Captain Albright...even though the hero's face was uncovered!
It's not like Cap had his helmet's goggles down over his eyes or somesuch...
2) While I can believe Cap's costume is pressurized, why is everyone else in street the vacuum of space?
As of this tale in Fawcett's Captain Midnight #48 (1947), while the aviator would still battle criminals and spies, there would be a story set in space in almost every issue until the book ended its' run...along with two new ongoing alien foes, Jagga the Space Raider and Xog the Ruler of Saturn!
Watch for them!

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Space Hero Saturdays VIC TORRY AND HIS FLYING SAUCER "Chapter Three - Catastrophe!"

Ace test pilot Victor Torry and his aviation-enthusiast girlfriend Laura are bequeathed a flying saucer by a dying alien.
Operating on automatic pilot, the spacecraft returns to its' home on Mercury, where they discover a civil war under way against the tyrant Szzz, who has plans to conquer the entire solar system!
Vic and Laura manage to commandeer another ship, override the controls and leave.
But now, they are returning to Mercury...
Art by Golden Age great Bob Powell.
The tale has been reprinted only once, in Eclipse's Mr Monster's Hi-Voltage Super-Science (1987)...
...with this new, super-kool cover by Michael Gilbert!
Vic himself appears in a cameo in the SkyWolf back-up story "Bachelor Party" in AirBoy #36 (1986)