Showing posts with label election. Show all posts
Showing posts with label election. Show all posts

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Reading Room / Halloween Horror ADVENTURES INTO THE UNKNOWN "Civic Spirit"

Some of the tales of this year's Presidential campaign are so unbelievable...'d think they were taken from a comic book!
Written by Richard Hughes, penciled by Bob Lubbers, and inked by John Celardo, this tale of ghosts, graft, and government appeared in ACG's Adventures into the Unknown #10 (1950).
If only we could use such supernatural solutions to remove real-life grifters from local, state, and federal office...
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Adventures into the Unknown Archives
Volume 1

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Trump Reading Room SAVAGE DRAGON

Don't see any comics characters (and their creators) endorsing Don da Con...

...but I do see them endorsing Biden and Harris!
Wonder why?

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Trump Reading Room: YOUR VOTE IS VITAL!

I was planning to run something different today...
...but after seeing this headline...
...I felt compelled to re-run this tale!
Here's a handy (very) basic guide...
Illustrated by Warren Kremer and Al Avision, this one-shot published by Harvey Comics in 1952 (68 years ago) was offered for only a couple of pennies a copy to anyone who wanted to utilize it to get out the vote!
Amazing how it's both generic and pertinent even decades later!
Note: Our gratitude to the ever-amazing Kracalactaka for the scans of this ultra-rare comic!
Now, unless you want things to stay as they are...or get worse...if you're over 18 and under 110...

Monday, February 17, 2020

Monday Madness TREASURE CHEST "1976: Pettigrew For President"

In 1964, Treasure Chest, an educational comic distributed only to Catholic schools...
...published a multi-part serial about how Presidential elections occurred, using the then-future Bicentennial year's elections as the example!
Their Teacher's Edition described the storyline's premise...
...while leaving out specific plot points!
The story begins innocuously-enough...
...with a candidate who sounds similar to the then-recently assassinated John F Kennedy!
He's a war hero who already held political office, and a Catholic in good standing!
"A man like that in the White House...never!"
Considering JFK had been killed less than a year before this saw print, it was pretty daring for the publishers to show something like this to schoolkids!
But this potential Prez shows that, even without the Secret Service, he's not helpless!
What did the would-be assassin mean by "your kind"?
Considering this was a Catholic-oriented periodical, and fear of a "papist" being the most powerful man in America was used against Kennedy during the election in 1960, it's not unreasonable that Pettigrew's religion might be the reason he was targeted!
Overcoming numerous obstacles, Pettigrew reaches the stage of the last debate before his party's convention, where he easily handles his opponents...

Is the "war hero" about to be exposed as a fraud...on national television?
(BTW, the reason he lost his voice was laryngitis due to a cold!)
 "Swift boating" decades before it was tried on John Kerry!
Despite dirty tricks, slander, and assassination attempts, Pettigrew perseveres...
Written by Treasure Chest Editor Berry Reece and illustrated by legendary Marvel artist Joe Sinnott, this never-reprinted 10-issue serial (Treasure Chest V19N11 to V19N20) is considered one of the title's high points.
I've presented only excerpts here because the story runs over 50 pages spread over 10 chapters, and, since Pettigrew isn't revealed until the last page of the last chapter, I didn't believe most of the audience would hang on, even if I posted a chapter per day!
For those who do want to read the entire mini-series at one shot, just click HERE!
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Monday, December 11, 2017

What "America" does Alabama's Roy Moore Want?

Is it this one?
Alabama Congressional candidate Roy Moore wants to return slavery to America (as well as eliminate womens' right to vote), as detailed in an interview he gave in 2011!
During Moore’s appearance, one host said he supported getting rid of every amendment after the Tenth Amendment.
"That would eliminate many problems," Moore said in response to the host on the audio KFile unearthed.
"You know people don't understand how some of these amendments have completely tried to wreck the form of government that our forefathers intended," he continued.
Moore criticized the 17th Amendment, which calls for the direct election of senators by voters rather than state legislatures, and the 14th Amendment, which was passed during the Reconstruction period following the Civil War and guaranteed citizenship and equal rights and protection to former slaves.
Amendments incorporated into the U.S. Constitution after the 10th Amendment expand civil rights protections granted by the Bill of Rights.
They include the 13th Amendment, which abolished slavery, the 15th Amendment, which prohibited the federal and state governments from denying citizens the right to vote based on that person's race, and the 19th Amendment, which extended suffrage to women.
Click HERE to see the America Roy Moore and President Don (the Con) Trump (who recorded a robocall for the Alabaman and backs the racist/sexist) apparently want to restore!

Friday, January 20, 2017

An Inauguration Day YouTube Special: SHADOW ON THE LAND (based on "It Can't Happen Here"!)

Thanks to the "poorly educated" (Don the Con's own words)...
...we're about to live a fictional nightmare from almost a century ago!
Ironically, a classic work of fiction parallels the events of the past year...and begins to look like a blueprint for the future!
It Can't Happen Here by Sinclair Lewis tells the tale of Presidental candidate and demagogue Berzelius “Buzz” Windrip who uses many of Don (the Con) Trump's rhetorical tactics to sway the uneducated, bitter white men of post-Great Depression America into voting him into office and the terrible fascistic nation that results from letting such as him gain control!
The tale ends with Windrip starting an unwarranted war with Mexico as the masses finally realize Windrip can't deliver on his grandiose promises and begin a Second American Revolution.
The book was written in 1935 and used Adolph Hitler's rise to power in Germany as it's plotline template! 
There was a 1968 tv pilot loosely-based on the concept, entitled Shadow on the Land starring, among others, Gene Hackman, John Forsythe, and Carol Linley...
It didn't sell because it was considered too far-fetched!
Will Don the Con continue down the path of Buzz Windrip (and Hitler)?
Lord, I hope not...but it sure looks like it!

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Sunday, November 13, 2016

A YouTube Special: SHADOW ON THE LAND (based on "It Can't Happen Here"!)

Thanks to the "poorly educated" (Don the Con's own words)...
...we're about to live a fictional nightmare from almost a century ago!
Ironically, a classic work of fiction parallels the events of the past year...and begins to look like a blueprint for the future!
It Can't Happen Here by Sinclair Lewis tells the tale of Presidental candidate and demagogue Berzelius “Buzz” Windrip who uses many of Don (the Con) Trump's rhetorical tactics to sway the uneducated, bitter white men of post-Great Depression America into voting him into office and the terrible fascistic nation that results from letting such as him gain control!
The tale ends with Windrip starting an unwarranted war with Mexico as the masses finally realize Windrip can't deliver on his grandiose promises and begin a Second American Revolution.
The book was written in 1935 and used Adolph Hitler's rise to power in Germany as it's plotline template! 
There was a 1968 tv pilot loosely-based on the concept, entitled Shadow on the Land starring, among others, Gene Hackman, John Forsythe, and Carol Linley...
It didn't sell because it was considered too far-fetched!
Will Don the Con continue down the path of Buzz Windrip (and Hitler)?
Lord, I hope not...but it sure looks like it!

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Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Those Who Cannot Remember the Past are Condemned to Repeat It

Thank to the "poorly educated" (Don the Con's own words)...
...we're about to relive a nightmare from almost a century ago!
Ironically, a classic work of fiction parallels the events of the past year...including last night!
It Can't Happen Here by Sinclair Lewis tells the tale of Presidental candidate and demagogue Berzelius “Buzz” Windrip who uses many of Don (the Con) Trump's rhetorical tactics to sway the uneducated, bitter white men of post-Great Depression America into voting him into office and the terrible fascistic nation that results from letting such as him gain control!
The book was written in 1935 and used Adolph Hitler's rise to power in Germany as it's plotline template!
Will Don the Con continue down the path of Buzz Windrip (and Hitler)?
Lord, I hope not...
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in a variety of digital and print formats 

Tuesday, November 8, 2016


...and you must remember... this HTF 1952 one-shot giveaway from Harvey Comics says!
It was so popular that the book was reprinted in b/w to meet demand in time for the election!

Sunday, November 6, 2016

You CAN Vote EARLY in Most States!

Here's a handy (very) basic guide...
...published by Harvey Comics in 1952 (60 years ago)!
Amazing how it's both generic and pertinent even decades later!

Friday, October 7, 2016


Star Trek has always offered a positive vision of the future, a vision of hope and optimism, and most importantly, a vision of inclusion, where people of all races are accorded equal respect and dignity, where individual beliefs and lifestyles are respected so long as they pose no threat to others.
We cannot turn our backs on what is happening in the upcoming election.
Never has there been a presidential candidate who stands in such complete opposition to the ideals of the Star Trek universe as Donald Trump...more HERE.

Sunday, July 10, 2016


Each week, we post a limited-edition design, to be sold for exactly 7 days, then replaced with another.
This week we jump into the political world with a design we introduced in 2012, but is equally-timely today!
Besides the usual t-shirts, mugs, magnets, and other goodies, we're also offering this one as a poster for your office, dorm, bedroom, or (mounted on a stick) a protest march!

Saturday, April 30, 2016

If Donald Trump Was a Superhero, Which Superhero Would He Be?

Did Donald Trump, born in 1946, read comics when he was a kid?
And, if so, which hero did he dream of being?
No, despite being one of the single mightiest beings in the universe, Superman's stories required logical thinking to enjoy, and we've seen Donnie's not big on that, even now.
Captain America?
Certainly patriotic, but not powerful enough.
Donnie thinks BIG!
So there's only one character he might have read, and whose adventures are wish-fulfillment without having to think about how it works, much like Don the Con's pronoucements about how he'll run the country.
Follow the LINK, read the following, and compare the story (and captions) to Trump's descriptions of himself and how he'd be as President!