Showing posts with label blogathon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blogathon. Show all posts

Sunday, July 25, 2021

You Think You Know All About the Newest Marvel Cinematic Universe Hero?

With the new Marvel movie...

opening September 3rd, we thought we'd show you the never-reprinted first "revamping" of the character who was created during the Kung-Fu craze of the 1970s.
While it's not as extreme as what the movie's doing, it was considered surprising and controversial at the time!

Begin the adventure unseen for over 40 years on Monday at...

Sunday, July 18, 2021

The First Part of the RetroBlogs Summer Blogathon Ends Tomorrow...

...with the conclusion of the never-reprinted 1968 novel...
Captain America:
the Great Gold Steal
The Concluding Cataclysmic Chapter will be posted HERE on Monday!
(Or you could start from the beginning HERE!)
There's a MAJOR reveal you'll never see coming!
Don't go any further if you don't want to know!
You've been warned!

Sunday, July 11, 2021

The Annual RetroBlog Summer Blogathon is Under Way...

...with this long-lost, never-reprinted, Silver-Age Captain America novel!

If you haven't had a chance to read it, start HERE at the beginning!
If you've been a True Believer (as Stan the Man Lee would say) and already devoured the first six pulse-pounding chapters, click HERE on Monday and continue with Chapter 7!

Sunday, July 4, 2021

It's the 4th of July! Celebrate With a "Lost" Captain America Tale!

Unseen for over 50 years, the first novel featuring the Star-Spangled Avenger!
NOW to start the serialized retelling of the long-lost OOP novel!

BTW, you can read a kool short feature about Independence Day HERE!

Sunday, June 20, 2021


You know about the comic-based novels we're presenting in our Summer Blogathon, but what about actual comics?
Don't worry.
We have that covered...starting with a never-reprinted, over 40-year old extra-long adventure of Marvel's Shang-Chi, Master of Kung Fu in...where else...
during the last week of July!
Then, get comfy with the latest in our annual gothic-themed Beach Reads in...
...during the first week of August!
Note: this 50-year old tale was reprinted a decade ago...but in black and white!
This is it's first appearance in full color since 1971!
Finally, to wind up the Blogathon in the last week of August, we present...
...the never-reprinted, serialized, Origin of The Shadow from the never-reprinted 1960s Radio/Archie comics in
Hero Histories
And here's the kicker...they're text features...from the comics!
Yep, we start the Blogathon with...

...this novel beginning (appropriately enough)  on July 4th, and running a chapter a day at...
Hero Histories
...then continuing with the earlier-mentioned kung-fu and romance entries at
Pop Art Martial Arts
True Love Comics Tales
The Caped Crusader appears the second week of August, also running a chapter a day at
Hero Histories!
And winding it all up will be the (text) Radio Comics adventures of He Who Knows What Evil Lurks in the Hearts of Men, also at
Hero Histories
...where you'll find several of his 1960s comic adventures already there and ready to read!

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Here Come the DARING and DIFFERENT RetroBlog Summer Blogathons...

Our annual summer tradition continues with a twist...PROSE!

Novels featuring superheroes/superheroines were extremely-rare before the 1960s.
Besides Big Little Books, the only books based on superheroes were several reprints (in hardcover) of pulp heroes Doc Savage and The Shadow and one original hardcover novel about Superman based on both the comics and the radio show.
In the 1960s, paperback publishers unleashed reprint series of every pulp superhero/adventurer they could get their hands on!
Doc Savage was joined by The Shadow (with reprints and a series of new novels set present-day), Operator 5, The Spider, The Phantom Detective, G-8 and his Battle Aces, and Captain Future, among others!
DC and Marvel had already been reprinting comics in b/w paperback form.
But Marvel decided to go the next step, joining with Doc Savage's publisher Bantam Books to create two novels, not based on previous comic stories!
DC joined in with a couple of novels, an adaptation of the 1966 Batman feature film and an original novel!
We'll be re-presenting one of Marvel's titles, Captain America: the Great Gold Steal by Ted White in July!
(If the response is good, we'll run the other 1960s book, Avengers vs the Earth-Wrecker by Otto Binder, next summer!)
August will see Batman vs the Three Villains of Doom by Winston Lyon (William Woolfolk) once more available for fans to read after 55 years!
Note, it's an interesting amalgam of the comic and TV Batman with elements of both!
If that one attracts an audience, the novelization of the '66 Batman movie, Batman vs the Fearsome Foursome will be next!
Both will be re-presented at Hero Histories.
Next week we'll have the exact dates and info on our other, comics-oriented Summer Blogathons

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Did You Know a Black Artist Penciled the FIRST Graphic Novel from a Comics Publisher?

Graphic Novels are the standard format for innovative storytelling today...
But "back in the day", as they say, it was an untried concept!
Written by Arnold Drake and Leslie Waller (as "Drake Waller"), illustrated by penciler Matt Baker and and inker Ray Osrin, the digest-sized 1950 one-shot from St John Publications is a pulpish "film noir" tale at its' coolest!
Dark Horse Comics (which published a high-quality reprint available below) explained it thusly...
In 1950, writers Arnold Drake and Leslie Waller, both attending college on the G.I. Bill, envisioned a sophisticated, novel-length comic tailored to their peers. Collaborating with comics art master Matt Baker, known for singularly defining the genre of "good girl art" on titles such as Phantom Lady, they crafted a film-noir inspired masterwork of romance, intrigue, and moral relativity. When cynical newspaperman Hal Weber reunites with old flame Rust Masson, he finds the beguiling widow of a mining magnate willing to do anything to undermine the local political machine--her only opponent for total control of Copper City!
Though not specifically-mentioned, penciler Matt Baker was one of the few Black artists of both comic books' Golden and Silver Ages!
It Rhymes with Lust was the basis of our 2017 Summer Blogathon spanning several RetroBlogs!
Start at True Love Comics Tales and experience not only comics history, but Black history as well!
Note: The thanks of a grateful nation go to Kracalactaka, who found the scans of the St John first edition in the wilds of the internet, cleaned them up, and made them available!
Please Support Atomic Kommie Comics!
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Saturday, September 12, 2020

The Annual Countdown to Halloween Blogathon is coming...

...and, as usual we're enthusiastically-participating, starting with...
...never reprinted Silver/Bronze Age gothic and horror stories featuring The CW's favorite heroine in
Then, witness tales of terror from the 1950s...
...that were redone, not reprinted in the 1960s-70s...
And, finally, never-reprinted gothic romance stories from...
...the short-lived, but fondly-remembered Haunted Love in
All begin the first week in October and run weekly though the macabre month!
Plus, every RetroBlog will have at one or more horror-themed posts!
BookMark and Don't Miss Them!

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Have A SUPER Summer with RetroBlogs Blogathons!

We've already begun... the CW's favorite heroine, Supergirl, discovers summer camp is anything but fun!
Next week...
More Supergirl fun as we re-present one of her wildest, never-reprinted, adventures!
PLUS: Superman experiences the Kryptonian version of Covid-19 in the first chapter of a never-reprinted, multi-part saga at Hero Histories!

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

The Blogathons are Under Way!

Fans of HBO's Perry Mason can check out his hard-boiled early stories HERE...
...and martial arts fans can see a never-reprinted series from 1975 HERE!
Keep your eyes peeled!
There's much more coming!

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Stay Safe by Sheltering in Place with RetroBlogs' Summer Blogathons...

...we'll keep you entertained with time-lost rare and never-reprinted tales you'll find only at...
...our newest RetroBlog
...controversial Western tales featuring TV's Confederate protagonists the Gray Ghost and the Rebel at
Barbaric action in the Conan/Kull tradition at
...along with the already-announced
Perry Mason...whose never-reprinted comic books will show you why the new HBO series is closer than you think to the early novels!
Check out
Crime & Punishment
for his hard-boiled adventures!
And, to make it a Super-Summer Blogathon...
The book-length saga of Superman dying from "Virus X" was one of the classic (and often reprinted) Silver Age tales of the Man of Steel!
But. that's not what we're showing...since it's been reprinted numerous times over the years (and deservedly so)!
Did you know it was re-conceived as an expanded, multi-part, never-reprinted, story in Action Comics several years later?
That's what you'll see at
Hero Histories
in July!
Plus, we're presenting not one, but two Blogathons featuring the Man of Steel's cousin in stories unseen for 50 years!

Several of Supergirl's (somewhat kinky) romances in
True Love Comics Tales!

The Maiden of Might's weirdest, wildest adventures in
There's still more (we have to keep you entertained and safe), but you'll have to be back next Sunday to find out about them...