Showing posts with label Ziff-Davis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ziff-Davis. Show all posts

Monday, August 26, 2019

Monday Madness FAIRY TALES "All About Fairies!"

It makes sense a comic called Fairy Tales would have a feature on fairies...
...although classifying witches as "bad fairies" seems to be stretching the concept to the breaking point!
From the inside cover of Ziff-Davis' Fairy Tales #11 (1951) comes this never-reprinted b/w feature by an anonymous writer/artist or writer and artist which raises more questions than it answers!
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Thursday, August 22, 2019

Reading Room LARS OF MARS "Terror from the Sky"

Commies and atomic weapons!
As the song says, "They go together like Love and Marriage..."
Could this be an attempt to set up an ongoing Lex Luthor-esque arch-enemy (but with lots of hair) for our hero in this final story from Ziff-Davis' Lars of Mars #10 (1951)?
Consider the fact that this Lars tale was produced by the duo who created the short-lived character, writer Jerry (Superman) Siegel and and artist Murphy (Buck Rogers) Anderson (who also did a lot of work on Superman during the Silver and Bronze Ages) and you'll see a lot of Man of Steel-style elements.
And, yes, Raskov returned the next issue with new super-scientific weapons...
The cover paintings for both issues of Lars of Mars were painted by Allen Anderson, who was not related to interior artist Murphy Anderson!
Here's a "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon"-style fact (done in four degrees)...
1) Ziff-Davis also published a short-lived adaptation of an actual sci-fi tv series, Space Patrol, illustrated by Bernie Krigstein.
2) Krigstein illustrated the first issue of another Ziff-Davis sci-fi series: Space Busters!
3) Bernie was replaced on interior art for the second (and final) issue of Space Busters by...Murphy Anderson!
4) Allen Anderson did the painted cover for the Space Busters issue illustrated by Murphy! (Norm Saunders had painted the first issue's cover!)
featuring the covers of both issues of Lars of Mars!

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Reading Room CRUSADER FROM MARS COMICS "Peek into the Future"

What did the near future of 2019 (or so) look like to readers of the 1950s?
Pretty much like this never-reprinted page from Ziff-Davis' Crusader from Mars #1 (1952)!
You'll note none of the predictions have come to pass...though the last one about cars is in the development stage!
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Monday, August 19, 2019

Monday Madness FAIRY TALES "Frog King"

Where do you think the cliche of kissing a frog who turns into a handsome prince comes from?
From the fairy tale this story is based on!
But will you notice one important difference between the comic and the fairy tale?
Hoo boy, is she a fickle bitch or what?
Did you note that she doesn't even kiss the frog?
Both the writer and artist of this re-telling of the classic story from Fairy Tales #11 (1951) are unknown.
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Golden Treasury of
Klassic Krazy Kool Kids Komics

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Reading Room LARS OF MARS "Villain or Hero?"

What if 1950s sci-fi shows like Captain Video or Space Patrol were real?
Or if the "aliens" shown on the screen were real aliens?
As you've just read, that was the premise of the short-lived (two issues) 1951 Ziff-Davis series Lars of Mars!
Created by Jerry (Superman) Siegel and Murphy (Buck Rogers) Anderson, this story from the first issue of his own title (which was #10!) established the somewhat-silly premise.
During his run, Superm...ahem Lars battled Commies, crooks, and other aliens while protecting his "secret identity" from Lo...ahem June, his nosy producer.
(But then what would you expect from the guy who co-created Superman? )
You'll be seeing all of Lars' stories here over the next few months.
Watch for them!
The cover paintings for both issues of Lars of Mars were painted by Allen Anderson, who was not related to interior artist Murphy Anderson!
Here's a "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon"-style fact (done in four degrees)...
1) Ziff-Davis also published a short-lived adaptation of an actual sci-fi tv series, Space Patrol, illustrated by Bernie Krigstein.
2) Krigstein illustrated the first issue of another Ziff-Davis sci-fi series: Space Busters!
3) Bernie was replaced on interior art for the second (and final) issue of Space Busters by...Murphy Anderson!
4) Allen Anderson did the painted cover for the Space Busters issue illustrated by Murphy! (Norm Saunders had painted the first issue's cover!)
Truth is stranger than fiction!
featuring the covers of both issues of Lars of Mars!

Monday, August 12, 2019

Monday Madness FAIRY TALES "Midas"

Ziff-Davis' short-lived Fairy Tales comic did straightforward adaptations of classic stories...
...without too much embellishment!
Both the writer and artist of this effective re-telling of the classic story from Fairy Tales #10 (1951) are unknown.
(And despite the issue number, this was the first issue of the book's too-short run!)
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Golden Treasury of
Klassic Krazy Kool Kids Komics

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Reading Room LARS OF MARS "Secret Origin"

What if 1950s sci-fi shows like Captain Video or Space Patrol were real?
Or if the aliens shown on the screen were real aliens?
As you've just read, that was the premise of the short-lived (two issues) Ziff-Davis series Lars of Mars!
Created by Jerry (Superman) Siegel and Murphy (Buck Rogers) Anderson, this premiere story from the first issue of his own title (which was #10!) established the somewhat-silly premise.
During his run, Lars battled Commies, crooks, and other aliens while protecting his "secret identity" from his nosy producer (who bore a disturbing resemblance to Lois Lane).
You'll be seeing all of Lars' stories here over the next few weeks.
Watch for them!
The cover paintings for both issues of Lars of Mars were painted by Allen Anderson, who was not related to interior artist Murphy Anderson!
Here's a "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon"-style fact (done in four degrees)...
1) Ziff-Davis also published a short-lived adaptation of an actual 1950s sci-fi tv series, Space Patrol, illustrated by Bernie Krigstein.
2) Krigstein illustrated the first issue of another Ziff-Davis sci-fi series: Space Busters!
3) Bernie was replaced on interior art for the second (and final) issue of Space Busters by...Murphy Anderson!
4) Allen Anderson did the painted cover for the Space Busters issue (#2) illustrated by Murphy! (Norm Saunders had painted #1's cover!)
featuring the covers of both issues of Lars of Mars!

Monday, August 5, 2019

Monday Madness FAIRY TALES "David and the Dragon"

An updated version of Lewis Carroll's Alice wasn't Dave Berg's only foray into fantasy...
...there was also the cover feature for the first issue of Alice's Ziff-Davis Comics stable-mate, Fairy Tales!
(Yes, I know it says "#10", but it's the first issue!)
The "look" of this strip is totally-different from the other Ziff-Davis material by Berg we've presented.
But, keep in mind that Dave got his start working for the Eisner-Iger Studio in 1940.
One of the attributes they looked for in their artists was the ability to mimic other illustrators' styles...including Eisner's own!
It's possible he was instructed by editor Jerry Siegel to go for a "look" similar to Walt Kelly's on his successful and popular Dell Comics Fairy Tale Parade and Mother Goose stories!
But when he started work on Alice, Siegel let him go back to his "normal" look!
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