Showing posts with label Space Western. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Space Western. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

YouTube Wednesday: the FIRST Cowboys and Aliens...

Long before Cowboys and Aliens (but after Space Western Comics), aliens invaded the Old West on Irwin Allen's The Time Tunnel.
The series started off with almost all the episodes taking place in the past and the heroes ending up in situations like the sinking of the Titanic or the siege of the Alamo, trying to warn people about what would happen and being treated like lunatics until the disaster happened, at which point they'd be transported to another era.

All that changed with this mid-season episode, "Visitors from Beyond the Stars".

Our heroes, Tony (young, impetuous, green turtleneck) and Doug (older, cautious, suit n' tie) are transported to Arizona in the year 1885.
Or rather, they're transported over Arizona, to an alien spacecraft, facing silver aliens (a standard Irwin Allen look for extraterrestrials)!
The aliens have come seeking protein for their starving world, and they've found it...the fauna (including humans) of Earth!
With Earth of 1885 technologically-unprepared to fight off an alien invasion, the two scientists from the future must somehow stop the invaders from the stars from decimating the home of Mankind!
To complicate matters, more of the aliens have appeared in the Time Tunnel itself, preventing the present-day support team from sending help to the timelost scientists!


After this episode, anything could (and did) appear on the show, from ghosts, to Merlin the Magician, to lots more aliens!
Despite the infusion of additional fantasy elements, the series was canceled at the end of the year.

We're offering a new line of Space Western collectibles, perfect for summer wear at the beach, or the movie theatre when you go see Cowboys & Aliens. (C'mon, you know you're going!)
and have a look below at some Cowboys and Aliens movie tie-ins from Amazon!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Reading Room: SPURS JACKSON "Sun Masters"

Once more we return to the really weird pages of Space Western Comics, where both stagecoaches and spacecraft are accepted forms of transportation!
We don't know who the writer was, but Stan Campbell did both pencils and inks on the art.

We're offering a new line of Space Western collectibles, perfect for summer wear at the beach, or the movie theatre when you go see Cowboys & Aliens. (C'mon, you know you're going!)
and have a look below at some Cowboys and Aliens movie tie-ins from Amazon!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Design of the Week--Space Cowboy

Cowboy hero vs bug-eyed monsters from outer space!
You think Cowboys and Aliens was the first?
It sure as hell wasn't the first comic / graphic novel that presented the concept!
59 years ago, comic books were telling tales of how resourceful Westerners defeated invaders from beyond the stars!
And this week, you and your kids can collect (and wear) the stuff they should have had in the Five & Dimes back in 1952, but didn't!
We're talkin' kids' and adult t-shirts, mugs, magnets, buttons, etc.!
But order now, because the Space Cowboy is headin' outta town in one week!
And he may never be comin' this way again!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Reading Room: SPURS JACKSON in "Death from U-235"

 As we promised earlier,  here's another exciting, never-reprinted adventure featuring cowboys and aliens from Space Western Comics #40.
Ah, for the days when a cowboy's devotion to the good 'ol USA overrode living in luxury on another world with a beautiful space princess...
(Never thought you'd read that sentence on the 'Net in 2011, eh?)
Don't worry, owlhoot.
There's lots more space-spanning, six-shooting action to come, so keep us bookmarked!

We're offering a new line of Space Western collectibles, perfect for summer wear at the beach, or the movie theatre when you go see Cowboys & Aliens. (C'mon, you know you're going!)
and have a look below at some Cowboys and Aliens movie tie-ins from Amazon!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Design of the Week--They Call Me the Space Cowboy...

Each week, we post a limited-edition design, to be sold for exactly 7 days, then replaced with another!
This week...instead of the politically-incorrect cowboys and indians,  let's play cowboys and ALIENS!
Yeah, it's the name of a new summer blockbuster starring Daniel Craig, Harrison Ford and Olivia Wilde as little green men replace big red men as the antagonists harassing a small Old West town.
But it's also a concept that goes back at least to the 1950s, when Charlton Comics published a year's worth of a title called...Space Western Comics!
It's a slight misnomer, since the book was set in the then-present, and most tales also included interaction with US armed forces, as seen on the cover above.
But in the 1950s, when Westerns were the dominant genre in American fiction in every media, it was an innovative idea to incorporate elements of the flying saucer fad that was briefly sweeping the nation.
And it gave us some kool graphics, like the cover above, that we're emblazoning on items from mugs to iPod shells to kidswear for one week!
Check 'em out, pardner!

Tune in Tomorrow, when we'll be presenting a Hero(ine) History for the lead character, Spurs Jackson (along with his first appearance, which was written by The Shadow's pulp creator, Walter Gibson!)