Showing posts with label SeaBoard Publications. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SeaBoard Publications. Show all posts

Monday, August 10, 2020

Monday Madness / CoronaVirus Comics MORLOCK: 2001 "Morlock Must be Destroyed!" Part 1

 (as seen from 1975, when this series was created)...
Was scientist Bertling pursuing research along the same lines as Morlock's creator?
Or is the answer something far more sinister?
Find Out Next
One note: the "hobos" on pages 5 though 7 are based on Alex, the protaganist in the Stanley Kubrick film A Clockwork Orange and his gang.
(In fact, the hobos' leader is also named "Alex"!)
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A Clockwork Orange
Book and DVD Set

Monday, August 3, 2020

Monday Madness / CoronaVirus Comics MORLOCK: 2001 "Coming of Morlock!" Conclusion

...actually, we haven't seen this, because the cover (which features Morlock's human and monster forms together) is symbolic!
In the Fahrenheit 451/1984-style world of 2001 (as seen from 1975), the government controls everything!
When the lab of a rebel scientist is discovered and destroyed, the only things salvaged are a couple of plant-like pods plus notes and chemicals related to them.
One of them contains a sentient humanoid who can turn humans to shrubbery-like vegetables simply by touching them!
Seeing the potential for a lethal and untraceable weapon to keep the populace in line through terror, the government officials brainwash the humanoid, now code-named "Morlock" after the creatures in HG Wells' novel The Time Machine to serve them as a killer...
Written by Micahel Fleischer, penciled by Al Milgrom and inked by Jack Abel, this premiere issue of Atlas/Seaboard's Morlock: 2001 (1975), presented some interesting concepts, but, since the company folded after only three issues were published, never really-developed the concepts...
Will Morlock Return?
It's Up to YOU!
Let us Know!
Bonus Material
The original, unused cover, inked by Jack Abel instead of the Dick Giordano-inked final cover above!
The cover of the Australian reprint
(Note it's rated "adult readers only", despite passing the rather strict Comics Code Authority in America!)
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A "Lost" Graphic Novel about Dystopia

Monday, July 27, 2020

Monday Madness / CoronaVirus Comics MORLOCK: 2001 "Coming of Morlock!" Part 1

Welcome to the dystopian Earth of 2001... seen in 1975 by writer Michael Fleischer, penciler Al Milgrom, and inker Jack Abel!
Will Morlock be used as a weapon of the State?
Will he allow himself to be used?
Find Out
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A "Lost" Graphic Novel about Dystopia

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder / CoronaVirus Comics PLANET OF VAMPIRES "Blood Plague" Conclusion

This scene...sorta...appears in this issue
Astronauts Chris and Craig invade the virus-infected vampires' stronghold only to discover Craig's wife (and fellow astronaut) Brenda drained dry, as shown on the cover above.
(Except for the fact that Craig has a moustache and both Craig and Brenda are African-American, as shown HERE.)
Leaving Craig to mourn, Chris blasts his way into the Proctor's office...
What was "the Secret Project"?
We never found out, since the book was cancelled!
But it was already going though the transition that almost all the Atlas books that lasted more than two issues went through.
Radical changes in creative staffs, plotlines, even characters themselves were the norm as mercurial publisher Martin Goodman began shaking things up.
It's a sordid tale best told by one who was there, so click HERE for the details!
As for Planet of Vampires, the word was to make it more like Planet of the Apes and/or Kamandi.
This two-page spread in the back of the book by Larry Lieber and Al Milgrom gives an idea of what was to come...
Perhaps it's just as well there was no #4...
Next Wednesday:
Another Disease-Laden World of Wonder!
(There are a lot of them in sci-fi/fantasy!)
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the Graphic Novel Adaptation of the Original Book Which Inspired Generations of Creatives, including the Creators of Planet of Vampires!

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder / CoronaVirus Comics PLANET OF VAMPIRES "Blood Plague" Part 1

...keep reading and the characters will explain what's going on right after the big explosion.
"What big explosion?" you may ask...
The battle concludes...Next Wednesday!
(and when we say "concludes", we mean concludes!)
Written by John Albano and illustrated by Russ Heath, Atlas' Planet of Vampires #3 winds up some plotlines and, unfortunately, kills off several major characters in the process.
Be here next week, when we'll show how far afield the book was about to go as it suffered the "Third Issue Curse" that befell most of the Atlas Comics books.
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the Graphic Novel Adaptation of the Original Book Which Inspired Generations of Creatives, including the Creators of Planet of Vampires!