Showing posts with label Otto Binder. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Otto Binder. Show all posts

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Did You Miss the Fourth Week's Chapters of the Story DC Comics REFUSES to Publish...MONSTER SOCIETY OF EVIL?

Did you know we cracked the Captain Marvel Code which had been ending each chapter!
Remember how I told you the Captain Marvel Code-Finder was a mail-in premium that would enable you to understand the cryptic messages (like this one) in stories?
And that, without it, you'd be as helpless as an Axis spy to figure out what the message was!
And that I didn't have one of the HTF and expensive Code Finders?
Well, guess what?
We don't need it!
On the back of the Captain Marvel Club Membership Card (shown here) is that code!
Since we believe the story has historical significance, and the racism (which we abhor) is part of the tale, RetroBlogs dropped the plans we had for various summer mini-blogathons to re-present the entire, unexpurgated story scanned from the original issues of Fawcett's Captain Marvel Adventures at Hero Histories and Not Safe For Work Comics!
Enjoy, and keep up with the saga Monday through Friday!
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Saturday, August 25, 2018

Did You Miss the Third Week's Chapters of the Story DC Comics REFUSES to Publish...MONSTER SOCIETY OF EVIL?

Did you know we cracked the Captain Marvel Code which had been ending each chapter!
Remember how I told you the Captain Marvel Code-Finder was a mail-in premium that would enable you to understand the cryptic messages (like this one) in stories?
And that, without it, you'd be as helpless as an Axis spy to figure out what the message was!
And that I didn't have one of the HTF and expensive Code Finders?
Well, guess what?
We don't need it!
On the back of the Captain Marvel Club Membership Card (shown here) is that code!
Since we believe the story has historical significance, and the racism (which we abhor) is part of the tale, RetroBlogs dropped the plans we had for various summer mini-blogathons to re-present the entire, unexpurgated story scanned from the original issues of Fawcett's Captain Marvel Adventures at Hero Histories and Not Safe For Work Comics!
Enjoy, and keep up with the saga Monday through Friday!
Please Support Atomic Kommie Comics
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Saturday, August 18, 2018

Did You Miss Last Week's Chapters of the Story DC Comics REFUSES to Publish...MONSTER SOCIETY OF EVIL?

Since we believe the story has historical significance, and the racism (which we abhor) is part of the tale, RetroBlogs dropped the plans we had for various summer mini-blogathons to re-present the entire, unexpurgated story scanned from the original issues of Fawcett's Captain Marvel Adventures at Hero Histories and Not Safe For Work Comics!
Enjoy, and keep up with the saga Monday through Friday!
Please Support Atomic Kommie Comics
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Saturday, August 11, 2018

Did You Miss the FIrst Week's Chapters of the Story DC Comics REFUSES to Publish...MONSTER SOCIETY OF EVIL?

(Writer) Otto Binder (Artists) C. C. Beck, Pete Costanza (Cover Artist) Michael Cho
At first he was simply a disembodied voice on the radio, taunting Captain Marvel with his ever-more-fiendish schemes to conquer the world.
Then, readers gasped as Mr. Mind was revealed-all two inches of him!
Was this lowly creature really the epitome of evil he claimed to be?
Fortunately, Billy Batson understood the folly of underestimating someone based on their size!
As small as he was, Mr. Mind was big trouble-especially once he turned the menacing members of his Monster Society of Evil loose to wreak havoc!

This new title collects the entire 24-chapter serial from the Golden Age of Comics with new essays by Fawcett Comics expert P.C. Hamerlinck and film producer and comics historian Michael Uslan.
Collects stories from Captain Marvel Adventures #22-46!
In Shops: Feb 06, 2019
 Then DC pulled the plug!
After careful consideration, DC announces that the Shazam!: The Monster Society fo Evil Deluxe Edition HC (JUL180783) is cancelled due to concerns over its contents,
This title will not be resolicited.
The mini-series had been reprinted once, in 1989 by American Nostalgia Library in a magnificent oversized hardcover with a run of only 3000 copies.
That edition, seen below, is incredibly HTF.

Since we believe the story has historical significance, and the racism (which we abhor) is part of the tale, RetroBlogs dropped the plans we had for various summer mini-blogathons to re-present the entire, unexpurgated story scanned from the original issues of Fawcett's Captain Marvel Adventures at Hero Histories and Not Safe For Work Comics!
Enjoy, and keep up with the saga Monday through Friday!
Please Support Atomic Kommie Comics
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Thursday, August 2, 2018

DC Won't Present the "Monster Society of Evil"...But WE Will!

(Writer) Otto Binder (Artists) C. C. Beck, Pete Costanza (Cover Artist) Michael Cho
At first he was simply a disembodied voice on the radio, taunting Captain Marvel with his ever-more-fiendish schemes to conquer the world.
Then, readers gasped as Mr. Mind was revealed-all two inches of him!
Was this lowly creature really the epitome of evil he claimed to be?
Fortunately, Billy Batson understood the folly of underestimating someone based on their size!
As small as he was, Mr. Mind was big trouble-especially once he turned the menacing members of his Monster Society of Evil loose to wreak havoc!

This new title collects the entire 24-chapter serial from the Golden Age of Comics with new essays by Fawcett Comics expert P.C. Hamerlinck and film producer and comics historian Michael Uslan.
Collects stories from Captain Marvel Adventures #22-46!
In Shops: Feb 06, 2019
 Then DC pulled the plug!
After careful consideration, DC announces that the Shazam!: The Monster Society fo Evil Deluxe Edition HC (JUL180783) is cancelled due to concerns over its contents,
This title will not be resolicited.
The mini-series had been reprinted once, in 1989 by American Nostalgia Library in a magnificent oversized hardcover with a run of only 3000 copies.
That edition, seen below, is incredibly HTF.

Since we believe the story has historical significance, and the racism (which we abhor) is part of the tale, RetroBlogs is going to drop the plans we had for various summer mini-blogathons (finishing the one currently running at True Love Comics Tales) and, beginning on Monday, re-present the entire, unexpurgated story scanned from the original issues of Fawcett's Captain Marvel Adventures at Hero Histories and Not Safe For Work Comics!
Please Support Atomic Kommie Comics
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Thursday, April 26, 2018

50 Years Ago, the Avengers' First Non-Comic Book Adventure...

...involved a world-conquering madman!
Note: neither Quicksilver or the Scarlet Witch appear in the book, though they're referenced as past members.
The Wasp and Iron Man are the other featured members of the team in this story!
Written by long-time pulp/comic book writer Otto Binder (whose credits include Superman and the original Captain Marvel, this never-reprinted tale is a rolicking, fast-paced adventure that would have made a kool flick back in the Swinging 60s!
Trivia: Binder co-created both Supergirl and the Legion of Super Heroes!
Though there had been numerous paperback reprints of Marvel comics by Lancer Books, this was the first prose novel...and an original story, not an adaptation of any of the comics tales!
There were three previous comic book prose novels before this...all based on DC characters!
George Lowther's Adventures of Superman (which, technically, was based on the radio show), and Winston Lyons (William Woolfolk's) Batman vs the Three Villains of Doom (based as much on the tv show as the comic) and Batman vs the Fearsome Foursome (a novelization of the 1966 theatrical movie).
Karzz is more an alien Kang the Conquerer than Thanos the Mad Titan, but there are a number of parallels between this and Infinity Wars.
Now, before you go see the new the intro and first chapter of this lost classic...
The inside cover teaser!
Yes, (Stan the Man) Lee intros the story!
Iron Man does show up in Chapter Two...after running into Karzz!
Please Support Atomic Kommie Comics
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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Reading Room: UNEARTHLY SPECTACULARS 3 Rocketeers "Invincible Eranus"

I can just envision the really-bad jokes about that title...
...but, I can assure you this is a deadly serious matter, space cadets!
Written by noted sci fi novelist Otto Binder (who wrote over 3,000 comics scripts) and illustrated by Golden and Silver Age workhorses Mike Sekowsky and Frank Giacoia, this tale of time and space was the next-to-last 3 Rocketeers story published.
We already ran the final one (out of publication order) HERE.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Reading Room: UNEARTHLY SPECTACULARS "How the 3 Rocketeers Teamed Up!"

Everybody who reads comics likes a good origin story...
...unfortunately, this particular tale ain't one of them, bunky!
Written by noted sci fi novelist Otto Binder (who wrote over 3,000 comics scripts) and illustrated by Golden and Silver Age workhorses Mike Sekowsky and Frank Giacoia, this reboot of the series in Harvey's UnEarthly Spectaculars #2 (1967) was not inventory from unpublished 1950s Race for the Moon material, but a new tale commissioned during Harvey's brief 1960s fling with non-humor comics.
Be here tomorrow for the final tale in our re-presentation of the 3 Rocketeers saga...

Monday, September 16, 2013

Reading Room: UNEARTHLY SPECTACULARS 3 Rocketeers "1...2...3...Infinity!"

Though the 3 Rocketeers were originally-set in the "day after tomorrow"...
...and based on the Moon, by the end of their too-brief run, they were traveling to other planets on a regular basis!
Written by noted sci fi novelist Otto Binder (who wrote over 3,000 comics scripts) and illustrated by Golden and Silver Age workhorse Bill Draut, the Rocketeers' final appearance in Harvey's UnEarthly Spectaculars #3 (1967) was not inventory from unpublished 1950s Race for the Moon material, but a new tale commissioned during Harvey's brief 1960s fling with non-humor comics.