Showing posts with label Medusa Chain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Medusa Chain. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder MEDUSA CHAIN Part 1

In the mid-1980s, both Marvel and DC "discovered" the graphic novel format...
 ...and unleashed a slew of them onto an unsuspecting audience!

The Story Continues, Next Wednesday...
This one-shot was part of the mid-1980s "DC Graphic Novel" program publishing creator-owned properties in a magazine-sized format.

Unfortunately, the line was rather hastily-conceived and implemented, resulting in a hodgepodge of books (both original stories like this and adaptations of prose novels) in various genres that were never properly-promoted.
The project was terminated after seven issues, with only Jack Kirby's Hunger Dogs showing a profit, and that was due to the heavy promotion received by anything New Gods-linked since the Super Powers line of products (based on the Fourth World characters along with classic DC heroes) were introduced at that time.
Written and illustrated (in full painted color) by the highly-underrated Ernie Colon, this never-reprinted "futuristic film noir" gem deserves a wider audience than it received when it was published almost 40 years ago.
So, for the rest of the month, we'll be re-presenting it for your reading pleasure.