Showing posts with label Lost World. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lost World. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder LOST WORLD "VoltaMen Defeated?"

Or is this a sinister plot to catch the amazingly-effective Resistance off-guard?
New, but not-entirely trustworthy, allies are better than no allies...I hope!
Unfortunately, this series has a tendency to introduce potential situations and ongoing characters, then drop them!
Since the credited writer, Thorncliffe Herrick, is actually a house pen-name, there's no way of knowing how often scripters have been changed!

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Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder LOST WORLD "Project: Monster"

...the aliens try ever more innovative attempts to eliminate the freedom fighters!
The Venusian we see in this tale is apparently a member of a third race from that planet shown in this series, unlike the ones we saw HERE and HERE!
Whether this is sloppy editing, or part of an onoging plot point has yet to be revealed!
(BTW, almost every other series in Planet Comics had their own Venusians, Martians, etc..
But they tended to be consistent within their own strips!
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Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder LOST WORLD "Teach Your Children Well..."

See if you can figure out who the returning mysterious figure from the past will be...
...before he/she appears!
Did you guess it would be young, impressionable VoltaMan Igor, last seen HERE?
Will he be a lynchpin in the coming revolution?
Only time will tell...perhaps!
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Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder LOST WORLD "Mad Mute X-Adapts"'s not them on this cover supposedly-featuring their battle against aquatic mutants!
Nor do these reptiles look like the mutants in the story!
For whatever reason, the editors used a generic cover by Joe Doolin and apparently hoped kids wouldn't notice the difference!
Have Hunt and Lyssa gained a new ally?
Only time will tell.....

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Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Wednesday Worlds of Wonder LOST WORLD "Power of Panduro"

...and here's the first one...a new illustrator takes over for the remainder of the run!
Though this story is set in the NYC area, the United Nations didn't begin construction of their East Side headquarters until 1948...a year after this tale was created and published in Fiction House's Planet Comics #50 (1947)!
From 1947 until the Manhattan complex was finished in 1952, their meetings were held in London!
George Evans assumes the artistic reins for the strip in this issue and will remain until the final chapter in Planet Comics #64..
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