Showing posts with label Joe Gill. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joe Gill. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

CoronaVirus Comics FLASH GORDON COMICS "Real Enemy"

Though deliberate use of disease as a weapon is forbidden by all civilized countries on Earth...
...sometimes inadvertent use against a technologically-superior enemy may be the only thing that saves us!
Written by Joe Gill and illustrated by Pete Morisi (who signed his work "PAM" because comics were his moonlighting gig after his full-time job as a member of the NYPD), this backup tale from Charlton's Flash Gordon #16 (1969) takes the concept from the finale of HG Wells' War of the Worlds and shows Earth disease destroying the entire population of the alien homeworld, not just an invasion force as in Wells' novel!
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Sunday, March 15, 2020

CoronaVirus Comics OUT OF THIS WORLD "Plague!"

Even when (believe it or not) created for benevolent purposes...
...a deliberately-contagious virus is no laughing matter!
OK, how can we read other peoples' thoughts in our own dreams, as happens on pages 2 and 3?
Beyond that deliberately-deceptive plot element, this tale from Charlton's Out of This World #6 (1957) written by Charlton mainstay Joe Gill and illustrated by future Spider-Man and Dr Strange co-creator Steve Ditko hangs together fairly well!
Would someone deliberately-conceive and implement a biological weapon (whether for good or evil) today?
Some Reich-wingers believe the current coronavirus epidemic was engineered by North Korea and/or Communist China!
What do you think, dear reader?
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(which reprints this tale!)

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Reading Room SPACE WAR "Exiled to Earth"

Usually, characters in sci-fi stories are exiled from Earth...
...but, then, those characters usually aren't Venusians!
While the writer for this story from Charlton's Space War #5 (1960) is believed to be Joe Gill, the illustrator is clearly Steve Ditko, at one of the artistic high-points in his career as he bounced between freelance assignments for Charlton and Atlas/Marvel, enjoying the diversity of work in various genres.

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Reading Room OUT OF THIS WORLD "Imagination"

What is more powerful than a little kid's...
...where anything and everything can happen?
Written by Joe Gill and illustrated by Steve Ditko, this tale from Charlton's Out of This World #8 (1958) is simple. but hangs together beautifully.
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Dripping With Fear
Steve Ditko Archives Volume #5
(which reprints this tale) 

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Reading Room OUT OF THIS WORLD "LIttle Things!"

One thing Charlton excelled at...
...was saving a buck by creating distinctive covers using existing interior artwork!
Of course, it helps if the art is by Steve Ditko at one of his peaks!
The story from Charlton's Out of This World #16 (1959) is one of those "I screwed up something in the past, thus changing the present" tales.
But it's Ditko's art that elevates it from "merely average" to "really kool"!
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Sunday, March 11, 2018

Reading Room OUTER SPACE "Far Away Voices"

Here's one of those kool "slice of everyday life...except it isn't" tales...
...that Steve Ditko's ability to render average, everyday people made believable!
Oh, !@#$%&*!
This rarely-seen tale from Charlton's Outer Space #20 (1958) is a wonderful example of the variety of types of people Ditko could do, each distinctive and memorable in his own right!
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Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Reading Room OUTER SPACE "Greater Jovians"

We ran a Steve Ditko story about Jovians a couple of weeks ago... here's another one from the same issue of the same comic, but with totally-different Jovians!
Why did the editor run the two stories one-after-another in the same issue?
Why didn't he space them out a couple of issues apart?
We'll never know the answer!
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Thursday, February 8, 2018

Reading Room OUTER SPACE "Misfits"

Here's a Steve Ditko-rendered piece with some of the oddest aliens he's ever done!
Strangely, though the planet is said to be Jupiter, from space, it looks like Saturn!
This wasn't the only Ditko-illustrated tale in Charlton's Outer Space #20 (1959) to feature Jovians!
There's another one featuring quite different inhabitants of Jupiter who meet a far different fate on Earth!
Why didn't the editor just reletter "Jupiter" to "Saturn" in this tale, especially since both stories appeared one-after-another in this issue?
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