Showing posts with label Doc Savage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Doc Savage. Show all posts

Friday, April 8, 2011

Reading Room: DOC SAVAGE in "Thousand-Headed Man" Part 2

An unmarked package thrown to Doc Savage at an airport contains only a plastic key.
When a trio of men seek the Man of Bronze to acquire the key, Monk drives them away with putrid-smelling gas.
Doc follows them to their leader, Sen Gat, and hypnotizes them all.
Sen Gat reveals he wants the key to use with one already in his possession to gain access to the mythical City of the Thousand-Headed Man in Cambodia. He also informs Savage that a third key, owned by the daughter of a famed husband-wife explorer team, is needed to complete the set and that he sent burglars to get it.
Savage races to the daughter's home, is almost skewered by a spear-wielding woman, and discovers Sen Gat's thieves, dead.
A newspaper photograph shows the girl who almost killed him, then escaped, is the explorers' daughter, Lucille.
Now, on to Part 2 of Doc Savage's only Silver Age adventure...
 How Will Doc and the Amazing Five Survive This Attack?
Tune in Tomorrow for the Exciting Conclusion!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Reading Room: DOC SAVAGE in "Thousand-Headed Man" Part 1

Have NO Fear! The Man of Bronze is HERE!
From 1966, a never-reprinted Silver Age tale, one of many one-shots from Gold Key based on classic properties during the Superhero '60s!
Script by Leo Dorfman, based on the novel by Kenneth Robeson (Lester Dent).
Art by Jack Sparling.
The mystery deepens for the Man of Bronze...tomorrow!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Weed of Crime Bears Profitable Fruit...

Conde Nast, the corporation that owns the rights to the Street & Smith pulps including The Shadow, Doc Savage, and The Avenger, was swindled out of $8,000,000 by someone pretending to be their printing vendor!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Let the cry ring out..."Have no fear! The Fans of Bronze are HERE!"

He helped those who needed help.
And now one of his illustrators needs help...
Terry Allan has been helping out Doc Savage/Marvel Comics/sci-fi & fantasy cover artist Bob Larkin the past couple of years doing exclusive projects trying to help Bob raise much needed cash.
Bob’s wife Fran is suffering from brain cancer and the resulting surgeries has left her less than 100%. As a result, Bob is now her full time caregiver and has had to cut back his workload to care for her.
Terry's been pulling together professionals from all over to sign books with all profits going to help the Larkin’s cover the long term costs of medications and co-pays that insurance doesn’t cover.
Among the items available...
LOST SAVAGE: Larkin's Bantam Doubles/Ominibus covers presented the way they should have been!
14 11x17" prints composited from the original art with the classic Bantam paperback cover design / trade dress! Comes in an embossed portfolio. 
The first commercial release of the series, remixed, remasted and restored to full stereo.
(Far superior to the internet downloads!)
PLUS: A new documentary with behind-the-scenes interviews!
AND: A limited-edition 12 x 13 litho of the cover art only thru Fantom Press!
There's lots more, including original art, lithos (like the one at top), and signed Doc Savage books and comics by Larkin and other big-name pros.
All profits go to help Bob Larkin.
Here's your chance to both help one of the greats of the sci-fi/fantasy genre AND acquire some kool kollectibles for yourself, or as Christmas presents for the SavageFan in your life!

Please repost these links where ever you can. The more who know, the better.

Let the cry ring out..."Have no fear! The Fans of Bronze are HERE!"
And they're here to help!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Doc Savage meets...Batman?

Over the years, there have been a number of attempts to bring pulp characters into comic books.
Among the more successful (artistically, if not commercially) were the '70s Denny O'Neil-Mike Kaluta Shadow comic and Doug Moench Doc Savage b/w magazine, and the '90s Dark Horse Shadow and Doc Savage titles (including, surprisingly, The Shadow movie adaptation).
There have also been numerous crossovers, beginning with a Shadow-Avenger team-up, a pair of Shadow-Batman crossovers that explained Batman's anti-gun stance, and even a Doc Savage-Thing team-up!
Now, DC is trying, again, to do Doc Savage. beginning with a Doc-Batman team-up.

It make sense in that both characters are near-perfect examples of human physical and mental development with an inordinate love of gadgetry.
But, let's face it, many fanboys, myself included, want to see Clark, the Man of Bronze, meeting Clark, the Man of Steel (his direct literary descendant)!
Maybe later...

A curious aspect is that they want to integrate Doc into the DC Multiverse, mentioning that both DC-owned Blackhawk and Rima the Jungle Girl, as well as another licensed character (from another company), The Spirit, will appear, which makes it unlikely that the comics will ever be reprinted in book form (due to licensing complications).
Presumably, these characters will appear in a 1930s-1940s setting, possibly prior to America's entry into World War II.

You can check out all DC Comics Doc Savage news here.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Batman Meets the Shadow...sort of!

There have been numerous examples of actors who previously played heroes appearing on superhero or sci-fi shows as other unrelated characters.

(This does not count actors meeting their later counterparts like Buster Crabbe on Buck Rogers in the 25th Century, Christopher Reeve and Helen Slater on Smallville, or Adam West on Batman the Animated Series!)

The Lone Ranger meets Commando Cody!
Clayton Moore (The Lone Ranger on The Lone Ranger tv series) played the lead villainous henchman in Radar Men from the Moon!

Batman meets Superman
Robert Lowry (Batman in the Batman & Robin serial) appearing as a government agent on Adventures of Superman!

The Shadow meets The Green Hornet
Victor Jory (The Shadow in The Shadow serial) playing a villain on The Green Hornet [1966]!

Captain Midnight meets Captain Kirk
Richard Webb (Captain Midnight on the Captain Midnight tv series) as a psycho Starfleet officer on Star Trek!

Doc Savage / Tarzan meets Superboy
Ron Ely (Doc Savage in Doc Savage: the Man of Bronze & Tarzan on Tarzan [1966-69]) portraying the retired Golden Age Superman on Adventures of Superboy!

James Bond meets Superboy
George Lazenby (James Bond in On Her Majesty's Secret Service) as Jor-El in Adventures of Superboy.

But, tonite, for the first time, we witnessed the meeting of two actors who played heroes, and neither was a heroic character!

Adam West (Batman on Batman [1966]) met Alec Baldwin (The Shadow in The Shadow [1995]) on 30 Rock!

Well, I thought it was cool...