Showing posts with label Dick Ayers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dick Ayers. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Kirby Reading Room BOMBAST "Bombast Lives!" Part 1

Moving from 15,000 years ago (as we saw yesterday) to the "present day" of 1993...
...Chicagoans (including Savage Dragon) are about to meet the first of the Ninth Men to be revived from suspended animation!

To Be Continued...
And before you ask, yes, Erik Larsen granted permission to utilize his Chicago-based Image Comics character, Savage Dragon, in this tale to help foster the "Silver/Bronze Age" feel with an almost-traditional "heroes meet up but fight due to a misunderstanding" event.
Considering how much Jack Kirby has influenced Larsen's storytelling/illustrating style, I suspect Erik might have wanted to, at least, pencil the tale, but was unable to do so!
As it is, plotter Roy Thomas, writer Gary Freidrich, penciler Dick Ayers, and inker John Severin are all in top form as they follow through with the concept in this never-reprinted story from Topps' Bombast #1 (1993), producing a kool example of how comics used to be before the "Dark Age of Comics" begun by Watchmen and Dark Knight Returns in the mid-1980s!

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retelling of elements of the Secret City Saga which also combines other Kirby projects like Galaxy GreenCaptain Victory and Silver Star!

Friday, March 3, 2023

Friday Fun EH! "Squeeeezerama in 5-D!"

Movie theaters are still struggling, post-covid, to get people back into the seats...

...much like back in the 1950s, when TV first competed with the cinemas for the attention of the viewing public!
Illustrated by Dick Ayers and likely written by editor Al Fago, this story from Charlton's Eh! #2 (1954) exaggerates (but not by much) the lengths to which movie studios went to lure the audience back to theaters!

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Monday, May 9, 2022

Monday RUSSKIE Madness JOURNEY INTO MYSTERY "Propaganda"

Today is "Victory Day" in Russia, and since Vladimir Putin will, no doubt, use... claim a non-existent victory in Ukraine, this never-reprinted tale from sixty years ago about using "alternative facts" seems as timely as ever!
Note: because of racial stereotypes common to the era of publication, this may be NSFW!
This story from Atlas' Journey into Mystery #80 (1962) by plotter Stan Lee, scripter Larry Lieber, penciler Jack Kirby, and inker Dick Ayers, is a reworking of an earlier story, also called "Propaganda", from Atlas' Uncanny Tales V1N9 (1953). That one was reprinted in Marvel's Uncanny Tales V2N1 (1973) and you'll be seeing it on our "brother" RetroBlog, Seduction of the Innocent, today!
In the meantime, here's a special treat...scans of the complete original art for this tale!
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Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Reading Room STRANGE TALES "Save Me From the Weed!"

Yesterday's tale about sentient shrubbery reminded me of a later story...
...with a similar plot, featuring some amazing art by Jack Kirby and Dick Ayers!
Unlike the previous story, this one doesn't diminish the dignity of the hero, whom the protagonist considers "unambitious"...until the end.
Plotted by Stan Lee and scripted by Larry Lieber, this tale from Atlas/Marvel's Strange Tales #94 (1962) was published with a cover date of March, the same month Fantastic Four #3 came out (note the blurb at the bottom of the story).
Strange Tales itself would shortly become the home of several ongoing series including Doctor StrangeThe Human Torch (later The Human Torch and The Thing), and Nick Fury: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.!
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Marvel Masterworks
Atlas-Era Strange Tales #5

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Reading Room TALES TO ASTONISH "I Found the Abominable SnowMan" Conclusion

Art by Jack Kirby and Dick Ayers
...reality TV show producer Victor Cartwright stops at nothing to get ratings, even faking some of the wonders he shows on the cathode screen!
When he publicly promises to deliver film of the legendary Abominable SnowMan, Cartwright dons a furry costume to fake some footage.
But things go terribly wrong when a huge furry creature captures him and takes him via an advanced drilling ship into the depths of the Earth, where Victor discovers...
Whatever happened to the stranded lizard-man?
The cover art above was reused, but not for a reprint of the story you just read!
When it appeared on the cover of Marvel's Where Creatures Roam #5 (1970)...
Art by Jack Kirby, Dick Ayers with additions by Marie Severin was to cover-feature a reprint of a different furry character (also drawn by Kirby and Ayers) that had it's own cover when it appeared in Tales to Astonish #18!
Why didn't they use that art?
Most likely, the original photostats and printing films of that cover had been lost, so Marvel decided to modify the art for TtA #24 that they did have stats for!
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August 1961 Omnibus
(Featuring EVERY comic published by Atlas/Marvel the month Fantastic Four #1 hit the newsstands!)