Showing posts with label Chariots of the Gods. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chariots of the Gods. Show all posts

Friday, January 5, 2018

Friday Fun TRAGG AND THE SKY GODS "Death-Duel" Part 1 seen in this never-reprinted, book-length tale from Gold Key's Tragg and the Sky Gods #6 (1976)!

I guess culture shock is about to hit Dazz and his tribe!
Meanwhile, the interstellar soap opera expands the cast as smitten crewman Ferenk defies his commander, Zorek, who lusts for Keera, who only has eyes for Tragg, who despises her!
The now-free Keera will try to deal with her perceived rival for Tragg's love, Lorn... we will see, TOMORROW..but not here!
You'll have to go to our "sister" RetroBlog, Heroines, to see the kool konclusion!

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Saturday, December 30, 2017

Reading Room TRAGG AND THE SKY GODS "Attack of the Man-Apes" Conclusion

...seeking allies against the alien "sky gods", Tragg and Lorn encounter a group of sentient man-apes...who blame them for the inadvertent loss of the one source of fire they had!
Escaping from the man-apes, the duo proceed further into a cave...
Writer Don Glut and artist Dan Spiegle present potential future allies in the war against the alien "sky gods" in the never-reprinted Gold Key's Tragg and the Sky Gods #5 (1976)!
But what of their already-existing ally, the Yargonian Keera?
Will she be put to death for betraying her commander to save Tragg?
The interstellar soap opera continues...Next Week!
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Friday, December 29, 2017

Friday Fun TRAGG AND THE SKY GODS "Attack of the Man-Apes" Part 1

Let's see how our ancient ancestors are dealing with the daily problems of...
...aliens and dinosaurs!
Written by Don Glut and illustrated by Dan Spiegle, this never-reprinted tale from Gold Key's Tragg and the Sky Gods #5 (1976) introduces another group of proto-humans even less advanced than the Neanderthal tribe Tragg and Lorn were exiled from!
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Saturday, December 16, 2017

Reading Room TRAGG AND THE SKY GODS "Project: Sabre:Fang" Conclusion

...Yargonian Commander Zorek experiments on Gorth, the Neanderthal who feared and despised Tragg and Lorn.
Adding genetic meterial from a sabre-tooth tiger to Gorth's DNA and exposing him to a "evolvo-ray", the alien transforms the caveman into a man-cat hybrid who attacks Tragg!
The series takes a new turn, as Tragg looks for previously-unknown allies against the Yargonians!
Be here next Friday for more caveman vs alien vs dinosaur action!
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