Showing posts with label Barbarella. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Barbarella. Show all posts

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Reading Room: BARBARELLA 3.1

It's been a while since we last looked in on Barbarella...
You're about to encounter more plot elements and characters you saw in the 1960s movie, but in somewhat different form...
More adventures of Barbarella and Pygar tomorrow...

Check out the
Summer SpaceMen, SuperHeroes & Spies
Comic Collectibles Shop
Queen of Space
Queen of the Galaxy
Queen of the Universe

Friday, May 20, 2011

Reading Room: BARBARELLA 2.2

With Captain Dildano and the rest of his crew dead, and their ship a derelict, Barbarella is stranded on Lython...
There are more plot elements and characters who ended up in the movie, though at the flick's beginning, rather than midway through, as they do here.
Some characters like "Klill, the horrid little Martian", didn't end up in the film.
The explanation of why the inhabitants are dressed in mid-19th Century Earth fashions was utilized a year later in the Classic Star Trek episode "Squire of Gothos".
However, the "antique-looking" clothing and technology didn't make it into the Barbarella film's version of this sequence.
More Barbarella later...

Friday, May 13, 2011

YouTube Wednesday(ish): Barbarella the Movie!

Note: this was actually published early Thursday, but Blogger's outage temporarily deleted it. When it reposted, it posted with Friday's date.
We've talked about it for the past couple of days in connection with the comic strip we've been presenting, so here it is...
(at least the trailer...)

And now the opening credits...

..then Killer Dolls...

...then a VERY warm iceman...

...then the Excessive Machine...

...and, finally, the ending!

You want more? go buy the movie!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Design of the Week--Barbarella: Queen of the Galaxy!

Each week, we post a limited-edition design, to be sold for exactly 7 days, then replaced with another!
This of the sexiest sci-fi sirens of the Sixties; Barbarella, as personified by Jane Fonda!

The sexually-liberated heroine of a French comic strip by Jean Claude Forest, the character was visually-based on Brigitte Bardot, who was offered the movie role but turned it down (picture "Bardot IS Barbarella!" on the posters).
It's hokey, entertaining, and surprisingly, considering the sexual content (but little nudity), PG-13 fun!
While it was both a critical and box-office failure in the 1960s, the movie became a video store staple on vhs and dvd, and often plays in midnight movie showings!

The movie was shot in two languages (English and French) simultaneously. The bi-lingual Fonda did all her own dialogue in both versions while the other actors were dubbed in their non-native tongues.
The rock band Duran Duran's name was taken from mad scientist Durand-Durand. Milo O'Shea, who played the character has appeared in one of the band's videos, Arena, as Durand-Durand!
A remake is currently in Development Hell.
But this design isn't! And it's perfect summer beachwear for the pop culture-savvy! So grab it while you can!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Design of the Week--Green Slime!

Each week, we post a limited-edition design, to be sold for exactly 7 days, then replaced with another!
This week...
It's the kool poster art for one of the weirdest, wildest sci-fi films of the psychedelic '60s.
The Green Slime
was an Italian-Japanese-American co-production about alien spores who attach themselves to a space station, grow to five feet tall, start ingesting the human crew with the intention to do the same to the population of Earth!
It's fast-paced, has pretty good sfx (on a par with the Godzilla and Gamera flicks of the period), and the multi-national cast features some solid actors including Robert Horton, Richard Jaeckel, and Luciana Paluzzi.
The writers of this amazing opus included Bill Finger, co-creator (with Bob Kane) of The Batman, and Ivan Reiner, screenwriter of Wild, Wild Planet and other Italian genre films!
The funkiest part, though, is the now-legendary theme song written by Charles Fox, who previously had done the music for Barbarella!
It's NOT on American (Region 1) DVD, though Japanese imports are available.
There is an OOP pan and scan VHS, but it's a little pricey!

We thought the poster would fit in perfectly as a Halloween-oriented t-shirt, mug or other collectible gift for you or your pop-culture-oriented loved one!
Get it...before the Green Slime gets YOU!

FREE Bonus: Link to a downloadble mp3 of the way-out Green Slime theme song!