Saturday, October 12, 2024

Space...Hero? Saturdays SUPERSONIC SAMMY "...Meets Stalin!"

Does a Martian who comes to Earth qualify as a "Space Hero"?
If it worked for Lars of Mars, it should be equally-valid for this guy, right?
For those not up on their history, the guy with the moustache is Joseph Stalin, the Communist Premier of the USSR (aka the Soviet Union/Russia) from 1924 to 1953.
Who sez comics ain't educational???
Created, written and illustrated by Basil Wolverton who created SpaceHawk, Space Patrol, and Jumpin' Jupiter, Supersonic Sammy is the least-known of his Space Heroes...because he never appeared in a comic book, until the 1980s!
(When he finally did appear in a reprint comic book, he was still in b/w!
So we have no idea what he would've looked like in color!)
He ended up as "filler" in Martin Goodman's "adult" humor magazines like Comedy, Laugh It Off, and Cartoon Parade, which were all b/w periodicals!
(Goodman was also the owner of Timely/Atlas/Marvel Comics until the late 1960s.)
As far as we can tell, there were only three adventures of the somewhat-merry Martian, of which this, which shows his being exiled from Mars, is the first!

You'll be seeing more of him in the future!
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Thanx for posting!