Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Reading Room STRANGE WORLDS "I Captured the Abominable Snowman!"

Last month, we presented Jack Kirby's epic tale about the Abominable Snowman HERE...
Now let's see a rather intimate story of one man's obsession with Yeti, illustrated by Steve Ditko!
Like the Jack Kirby-illustrated Abominable SnowMan story, no one (including Marvel) is certain who scripted this tale from Atlas' Strange Worlds #1 (1958).
It ain't Stan Lee, because almost everything he scripted featured his name/signature on the splash panel along with the artists' names!
And, you'll note that neither tale shows the "real" Yeti, just people or other creatures mistaken for it!
There's a third variation on this story, by a different artist, which we'll present on Thursday!
BTW, this was the second comic with the Strange Worlds title.
The first one was published by Avon Comics from 1950 to 1955.
This series ran for five issues in 1958-59.
Since then there have been several one-shots with the title from various publishers, usually reprinting stories from the Avon series.
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Stan Lee and Steve Ditko
(which reprints this story)

Monday, February 14, 2022

Monday Madness LIANA

Here's a tale of future love published exactly 50 years ago...
...Nestled none too securely in the grim world of the future, Liana longs for the miracle that will end the pain of her lonely existence!
But, miracles can have dangerous side-effects, as Liana will soon find out!
This tale originally appeared in The Monster Times #14 (July 31, 1972), written and illustrated by Bruce Jones, who went on to write and illustrate (but rarely both at the same time) for DC and Marvel.
BTW, if you wonder why the caption in the first panel is so hard to read, it's because this was published as two pages in a tabloid 11 1/2"x 16 1/2" format (like 1970s Marvel and DC "Treasury" editions), so I repeated the text below the first page!
Happy Valentine's Day!

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Space Hero Saturdays SPACEHAWK "and the Creeping Death from Neptune"

How could you not want to read a story with a title like that?
Plus: story and art by the unique (to put it mildly) Basil Wolverton!
This premiere appearance from Novelty's Target Comics V1 N5 (1940), written and illustrated by Wolverton, was just the tip of the iceberg!
SpaceHawk "unmasked" a couple of issues later, but the legend was already well-established, and the fact he was a "mere" human who could take down aliens several times his size and strength only made him even more fearsome to his foes...

BTW, you may have noticed a change in our sub-head to "Space Hero" rather than "Space Force".
That's because we're switching over to the lone wolves of the spaceways as they battle against those who would dominate or destroy the universe!
Since the response to Basil Wolverton's Space Patrol strips has been...dare we say...stellar, we decided his best-known strip, SpaceHawk will be the "anchor" strip every two weeks, with other characters popping up for limited runs!
Who are the "other characters"?
Be here next week to find out the first one!

Friday, February 11, 2022

Frigid Friday Fun PLANET COMICS "Cosmo Corrigan and the Cosmic Chorus Girls!"

What do you do when you want to heat up a planet that's colder than America's MidWest in February?
Cosmo Corrigan has the answer...cosmic chorus girls!
Sady, Cosmo never got back to Pluto.
He wasn't in the next issue of Planet Comics, nor would he reappear anywhere else in the known universe.
His fate remains a mystery...

Written and illustrated by Seymour Reit (who later co-created Casper the Friendly Ghost), Cosmo's final tale appeared in Fiction House's Planet Comics #11 (1941).
But don't think this is the end of our winter-inspired posts!
There's more frigid fun to come!

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Reprinting issues 9-12