Monday, February 9, 2015

Reading Room STRANGE JOURNEY "Captain Kiddeo: Space Bum"

Is it humor?
Is it serious?
I can't decide... the tale and judge for yourself!
The title is a variation of "Captain Video", a tv show which had been cancelled three years earlier when this never-reprinted tale appeared in Ajax-Farrell's Strange Journey #3 (1958).
Yet the story itself has nothing to do with Captain Video, not even as a spoof of it, like MAD's superb Captain Tvideo which you can read HERE!
The attempts at humor and wit are lacking in both, and the illustrations have none of the wonderful background detail (Called "chicken fat" by artist Will Elder) MAD's artists were famous for!
Plus, the art is so jammed-up, I have the impression the original (perhaps unpublished) story was longer, and re-edited to fit into the 5 page slot in an otherwise average sci-fi anthology.
We do know it's a product of the S M Iger Studio which packaged Ajax-Farrell's books, but not who the particular creatives were...

Sunday, February 8, 2015

War is Hell...but, then, so is LOVE!

We at Atomic Kommie Comics™ know that the path of love is not always smooth, especially in wartime.
In tribute to the brave men and women of the armed forces, we've created a new section of True Love Comics Tales™ about military-based love comic books entitled WarTime Love™ featuring greeting cards, teddy bears, clothing and a host of other goodies with vintage retro-style romance comic cover art.
Show your beloved, be they an officer, noncom, or GI Joe (or GI Jane) that you're thinking of them on Valentine's Day.
A Public Service message from Atomic Kommie Comics™

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Reading Room ROCKET SHIP X "Halley's Comet"

It was a bit of a bust in 1985...
...and it'll be returning in 2060...when many of those who are now reading this blog will see it, though I won't...(sob).
The writer and artist for this one-pager from Fox's one-shot Rocket Ship X #1 (1951) are unknown.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go and be depressed over my own mortality...

Friday, February 6, 2015

The ORIGINAL Miss LonelyHearts Columnist Can Help YOU on Valentine's Day!

Comic books aren't just about spandex-clad heroes and heroines in battles of cosmic import!
They also tell intimate tales of heartbreak & joy, betrayal & redemption, and misery & true love.
God knows, we at Atomic Kommie Comics™ can relate...

On that note, here are kool, retro, romantic, Valentine's Day kollectibles featuring Beatrice Fairfax!
Before Dear Abby, before Ann Landers, she was the original Miss Lonely Hearts, dispensing sage advice in her newspaper column long before the Internet.
Let her help you express your true feelings on the Most Important of Days--Valentines Day with greeting cards, teddy bears, mugs, and even "naughty" undies!

And, if she can't assist your love-life, perhaps something from one of our other sections at True Love Comics Tales™ can help you get your point across!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Reading Room NORGE BENSON "Gang of Hoodlum Penguins"

Let's return to frigid Pluto for another interplanetary adventure with... we discover that, some penguins on Pluto speak perfect English, and others talk with Brooklyn accents...just like on Earth!
Think I'm joking?
Read on...
So, what'd youse tink?
Or for dose, I mean "those", who don't speak Brooklynese..."What did you think?"
I'll warn you now, future installments only get loonier!
Illustrated by Al Walker, who spent his entire comics career at Fiction House, this second appearance in Planet Comics #13 (1941) presents a somewhat less snarky (though no less humorous) version of the "Earthman on Pluto" concept shown in the earlier Cosmo Corrigan strip, mixing alien versions of both Arctic and Antarctic animals with total disregard to anything even remotely resembling exobiology!
But it is fun, and that's all that matters!