Sunday, February 13, 2011

Design of the Week--XZ-31 Ray Gun!

Each week, we post a limited-edition design, to be sold for exactly 7 days, then replaced with another!
This those aliens you mean BUSINESS with this classic Buck Rogers XZ-31 Rocket Pistol from the 1930s!
While there are numerous XZ-31s available on eBay and other sites, finding one MiB is one of the Holy Grails of sci-fi collecting!
It was the very first metal toy ray gun produced in the US (by Daisy, the people also responsible for A Christmas Story's Red Ryder BB Gun)!
And, in a reverse-merchandising twist, the XZ-31 didn't look like the weapon Buck was actually using in the comic strip, but once it came out, the strip introduced the XZ-31 as Buck's "upgraded" weapon!
(And you thought the Walther people had a great deal when James Bond adopted the PPK!)

The Astounding Artifacts blog has a more detailed history of the XZ-31 HERE!
And Toy RayGuns has an overall history of Buck Rogers weaponry HERE!

Buck re-armed with new designs several times in the 1930s-40s, and we'll be introducing those designs, as well, over the next few months.
Available on an assortment of goodies from clothing to collectibles,  and the best thing of won't shoot your eye out!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Hero(ine) History Retro Edition: Captain America 1966!

With the new Captain America movie filming, we thought it time to take a look at the original 1940s movie Cap.
And, to make it even more fun, we'd look at it from a Silver Age perspective...
Specifically, an article from the HTF 1960s magazine On the Scene Presents: Super-Heroes!
 (Click on the pix for larger images)

Friday, February 11, 2011

The Great One is Coming...Back!

For those of us old enough to remember 1970, this promo produced geekgasms.
In 2011, this art... almost as exciting!
Read why HERE!

The only thing that would make it even better is if The King himself were still here...

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Read LOBO: the Complete Saga!

We've posted background info about this historically-significant comic book series, but now you have a chance to actually read the HTF tales at our brother blog, Hero & Heroine Histories!
Issue #1 is already posted. Starting on Saturday, we'll begin posting the second (and final) issue.

And don't forget our line of Lobo comic collectibles, including t-shirts, mugs, and other goodies at...