Showing posts with label Hero Histories. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hero Histories. Show all posts

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Before Mister Machine...There Was Captain Marvel (II)!

A decade before Machine Man/Mister Machine appeared on the scene... fight the good fight (even when he went all to pieces)...
...another artificial man with a propensity for disassembling himself while fighting evil had an all-too brief run in the world of comics...
...and this guy had a couple of less-than-obvious connections to Marvel Comics!
Want to learn more?
Click HERE to read his origin and find out some kool background info about him!
And click HERE to see him in combat against someone who looks a lot like a certain Caped Crusader!

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Last Week on RetroBlogs...

The blue-and-green costumed 1960s version of The Shadow...

True Love Comics Tales presents the perfect "beach read"...

And Phantom Lady's most notorious tale gets a kinder, gentler redo...
What's Coming Up?
Check in next week to find out!

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Join the Summer Fun on RetroBlogs!

This past week you may have missed these RetroBlogs Mini-Marathon entries...
This never=reprinted, John Buscema-illustrated, adaptation at Secret Sanctum of Captain Video!
This never-reprinted origin story at War: Past, Present & Future and Hero Histories!
Plus the explanation of how this female spy vs Nazis story...
...became this superheroine vs Commies tale at Heroines!
What's Next?
Watch this blog to find out!

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Summer Fun on RetroBlogs!

Every summer we run mini-marathons on the various RetroBlogs...
At Secret Sanctum of Captain Video, we'll present no less than three different, never-reprinted comic versions of this legendary Ray Harryhausen film, one of them featuring art by the late, great, John Buscema!
(but we're not going to tell you which one!)
In a cross-over between War: Past, Present, and Future and Hero Histories, there will be never-reprinted tales of two World War I aviator-heroes from the 1960s!
Hero Histories will also feature the final, never-reprinted tale of the campy Silver Age version of The Shadow...
...and the first (also never-reprinted) story of the Silver Age Plastic Man by Gil Kane!
War: Past, Present and Future will also present another never-reprinted story published in the 1960s, Sgt Fury and His Howling Commandos in...ready for it?...KOREA!
What's summer without a good "beach read"?
And there's nothing better than a never-reprinted Gothic Romance at True Love Comics Tales!
Justice doesn't take a holiday during the summer, as the 1950s hard-boiled saga of private eye Johnny Dynamite receives a re-telling at Crime & Punishment!
Don't think we've forgotten
We just haven't finalized the plans for them...yet!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Before Ant-Man...There Was FLY-MAN!

Actualy, there were two of them!
who only appeared twice!
...who was co-created by Jack Kirby, Ant-Man's co-creator!
Read about them at our "brother" RetroBlog; Hero Histories!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Visit Our Other RetroBlogs: Hero Histories

From the Golden Age of Comics... the Bronze Age...
...with occasional stops in the Silver Age...
...we cover the comic book characters you may have never seen before, and, if it wasn't for us, would never see again!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Polar Vortex II: the Wrath of Cold!

With winter finally hitting the US full-force...
... we invite you to re-visit the kool Polar Vortex posts on this blog
Here's the list (with links)...
Read them in front of a roaring fire with a mug of hot chocolate!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Al Plastino (1921 – 2013)

Though most fans know his 1940s-60s work on DC's Superman and Batman...
...Al Plastino had quite a varied output, ranging from Golden Age comics to almost becoming Charles Schultz's replacement on Peanuts!
Mark Evanier has a nice pro/fan tribute to Plastino HERE.
And, you can read about a recent controversy involving Al's long-missing art for a Silver Age Superman story featuring the late President Kennedy HERE.
As for me, I'd like to link you to a tale from Plastino's early days...and a character he co-created, which unfortunately went nowhere.
The wild thing about The Rainbow, is that he was one of the first comic characters inspired to become a super-hero by reading a comic book!
Have a look HERE.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

The Lone Ranger: Complete Series Box Set at an Incredibly-LOW Price, plus Classic Lone Ranger Movie Blogathon Posts!

See this kool Brand-New box set with every 1950s episode (even the John Hart ones)?
If you look on the net, the cheapest you'll see it for is $129.99!
Want to get it, still in shrink-wrap, for...hold your breath...
Go to Costco!
It's supposed to be $99.99 (which is still a great deal).
But, apparently due to the collapse of the new movie, they're taking an additional $20 off to move it off the shelves!
(I found this out yesterday, when I went shopping at Costco...)
BTW, it's not available through Costco's website, only at the warehouses!
Who would've thought a movie about one of our favorite heroes doing badly at the box office would work to our benefit?
Art by Leroy Neiman
Our contributions to the Dynamic Duos in Classic Film Blogathon are now up, including...
A look at the Republic Film serials at Hero Histories.
The two feature films starring the TV Ranger and Tonto at Secret Sanctum of Captain Video.
The previous cinema flop, 1981's Legend of the Lone Ranger at Western Comics Adventures.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

The Lone Ranger

Our contributions to the Dynamic Duos in Classic Film Blogathon are now up, including...
A look at the Republic Film serials at Hero Histories.
The two feature films starring the TV Ranger and Tonto at Secret Sanctum of Captain Video.