Showing posts with label YouTube. Show all posts
Showing posts with label YouTube. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

YouTube Wednesday AVENGERS...1966!

With the new movie opening next week, let's look at some early adventures based on the comics and featuring stats of the original art with limited animation...
They didn't adapt Avengers #1 into animated form, but several other Avengers stories became Captain America, Thor, Hulk, and Iron Man tales.
Today, we're going to present a story starring Captain America where a group of Avengers plays a critical part...

Oddly, Goliath is called Giant-Man! (Yes, it's the same guy, Hank Pym, in the costume, but in the comic, he's called "Goliath" in this blue/yellow costume, not "Giant-Man" as when wearing the earlier red/blue garb.)
And it's almost all Jack (King) Kirby art!

Bonus: The origin of Hawkeye (with the Black Widow) from the Iron Man series...

Art by Dashing Don Heck with a little Gene Colan and Jack Kirby thrown in!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

YouTube Wednesday: THE SPIRIT (1987)

Considering it's cinematic style, it's remarkable there wasn't a Spirit movie or tv series before 1987!
Starring Sam (Flash Gordon) Jones as Denny Colt/The Spirit and Nana (Col. Kira Nerys) Visitor as Ellen Dolan, it's an interesting take on Will Eisner's classic character, updated to the then-present, and putting the hero in a neon-blue suit instead of the black ensemble from the awful Frank Miller film!
Best of all is the new artwork done by Eisner for the credits sequence!
It's not a perfect flick by any stretch, very tongue-in-cheek and just short of "camp", but I enjoyed it more then the Miller flick.
Bumper Robinson, who played Eubie, has performed voices for numerous animated characters including Cyborg in the current Justice League: Doom, Rhodey in Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, Rhodey/War Machine in Marvel Super Hero Squad [VG], Black Lightning in Batman: Brave and Bold [tv show & videogame], Bumblebee in the current Transformers animated series, Dwight Conrad in FuturamaStar Boy in Legion of Super Heroes, Carter in the 1990s' Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Philo in Flintstone Kids.
The executive producer is William Beaudine, Jr, son of b-movie/tv director William ("One Take") Beaudine who handled, among others, the Bowery Boys, Lassie, and The Green Hornet tv series!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

YouTube Wednesday: JOHN CARTER...Hit or Disaster?

Don't worry, John! We'll dig our way out of this hole!
The BBC's news/entertainment division did this piece about John Carter's less than stellar box-office... it a less-than stellar future.
Odd since JC has done over $125 million overseas, opened with over $10 million in China, and has yet to open in Japan, a strong market for films featuring sci-fi/fantasy and retro high-adventure (the two themes of JC)!
Personally, I think it'll end up doing very well on DVD/Blu-Ray, PPV, and 'net streaming, picking up the audience it didn't get in theatres.
Personally, I blame the marketing; terrible posters, trailers and commercials that didn't play up the "Carter was the FIRST!" concept and the whole "this is kool" idea, and, stupidiest of all, naming the flick the almost-useless "John Carter" instead of "John Carter and the Princess of Mars".
(Hey, "Hero and Plot Element" titles worked for Harry Potter and Indiana Jones!
Why not here?)

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Monday, March 19, 2012

Nerdist SpaceMan Stuff Sale!

With the creation of the Nerdist YouTube Channel...
...we're celebrating with a sale on collectibles featuring the most interesting visual on the set of their new BBC-TV series The Nerdist.
Like it's counterpart on the wall of Sheldon and Leonard's apartment in The Big Bang Theory (Click HERE for that art), it's based on a classic cover from the Golden Age.
This particular image is from Ace Comics' Space Action #2, published in 1952, 60 years ago!
And here's the really weird has nothing to do with any of the stories in the comic!
Yes, it's the old "this scene on the cover does not occur on the inside" trick!
As to who the artist is, there's speculation it's either Lou Cameron or Matt Fox, both of whom had considerable sci-fi experience.

Choose from iPod,  iPad, and iPhone cases, t-shirts, mugs, tote bags, and other goodies by clicking HERE!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

YouTube Wednesday: The John Carter Movies that Never Were...

You might have heard about a new John Carter of Mars movie...
...bud did you know about the movie versions that went as far as having test reels produced?
In 1931, legendary animator Bob Clampett worked with John Coleman Burroughs (Edgar Rice's son) to create the following piece...

No movie studio was interested in backing the project.
Most told Clampett that their audiences has no interest in "realistic" animation!
(The Fleischer Brothers proved them wrong with Superman in 1941...)

In 2004, Kerry Conran pitched a John Carter movie done in almost total CGI... the movie he just completed, Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow!
If Sky Captain had done better business at the box office, Kerry undoubtedly would have been given the green light.
But, it didn't, and he wasn't.

The film that finally was produced after years of delays, rewrites, and changes in writers, directors, and cast, opens March 9th...

Looks good, and I'm hopeful it'll begin a franchise...

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Monday, January 2, 2012

Updating Previous Blog Posts...

One of the benefits of the blog's redesign is to show art larger than before...
Before, when you had to click to enlarge the art...
Now, no clicking required!
I'm going thru the blog, "repairing" things where needed.
The Reading Room entries (such as this one) are getting priority, since the art can easily be enlarged.
I'll also be updating or redirecting YouTube links that have expired or been deleted by YouTube.

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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

YouTube Wednesday: A CHRISTMAS CAROL

The Definitive Animated version...
...starring Alistair Sim as the Voice of Scrooge!
It won both the Oscar and Emmy for best animated short subject...

Support Small Business this Christmas!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


It was legendary movie George Pal's first "hard" sci-fi film...
..and, hoo-boy, was it a goodie!
Our brother blog, Secret Sanctum of Captain Video™, is currently running the comic book adaptation written by Otto Binder, so, to nudge you into having a look over there...
we're not only going to show you the trailer...

 ...and a half-hour tv special from 1950...

...but we're going to present the entire movie!

Now, go have a look at the adaptation at Secret Sanctum of Captain Video™!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

YouTube Wednesday: John Carpenter's Creepy Cinema Influences

Director John Carpenter is the Guest Programmer on Turner Classic Movies tonight...
...presenting movies that influenced him as a filmmaker, including...

The Thing from Another World (1951)
IT! the Terror from Beyond Space!

and Curse of Frankenstein!
Watch them all, uncut and uninterrupted, on TCM tonight!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

YouTube Wednesday: War of the Worlds

While only the 1938 radio version of War of the Worlds (available HERE) incorporates Halloween...
...the George Pal movie holds a place in my Halloween viewing schedule, primarily for this scene featuring Oscar-winning special effects that still pack a punch today...

or, if you want your alien invasion as portrayed by cute bunnies...

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

YouTube Wednesday: Mothra Madness!

I recently caught the Rebirth of Mothra trilogy on Action...
...and, boy, did it BLOW!
I ran, screaming, back to my Classic Media DVD set for some REAL Mothra action with real Mothra fairies...
First, the original teaser trailer with ONLY preproduction art plus the first trailer with the Peanuts (btw, the trailer narrator was also the narrator and the Robot on Lost in Space, Dick Tufeld)...

 (also the original kool Japanese trailer...)

From Ghidorah: the Three-Headed Monster...the Peanuts return...

From Godzilla vs Mothra (1992)...the Cosmos...

...and noted horror host Svengoolie does a "Where Are They Now?" segment...


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

YouTube Wednesday: Superman

With a "rebooted" Man of Steel currently filming...
...I thought we'd take a look at the previous live-action movie versions!

First up, Kirk Alyn's highly-underrated serial hero...
Then George Reeves' Superman, who first appeared in the movies...

...and though he popped up almost continuously on the small screen, the Last Son of Krypton didn't reappear on the big screen until 1978...
..restored scene from Superman II explaining how he got his powers back!

...after two awful sequels, Superman didn't come back to movies until 2006 in a sincere, but flawed, attempt to continue the story from the end of Superman II...
And now, a total reboot.
Let's see what happens when it comes out in 2013!
Check out

Man of Celluloid Steel
and these kool kollectibles from Amazon...

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

YouTube Wednesday "There's Something on the Moon!"

With Apollo 18 opening this week, let's have a look at another movie about Lunar loonies...MoonTrap, a "lost" direct-to-video flick from 1989 starring Walter (Ensign Chekov) Koenig in his only starring role, along with B-movie legend Bruce Campbell, battling aliens on the Moon!
Here's the trailer...

Don't remember it?
Not surprising!
Unless you happen to have a vhs cassette of it, or a copy of the comic book adaptation (which we're currently re-presenting at our "brother" blog, Secret Sanctum of Captain Video™) you probably never even saw it!
It's not currently available on Region 1 DVD/BluRay, so the only way you're going to see it is on a DVD-R/used VHS/comic book.
Which is a shame, because, despite the B-movie budget, it's a real hoot!
The pre-CGI effects are pretty well done, and both script and acting are well above the typical SyFy Saturday night crap.
Well worth the effort of tracking down.
or have a look at these MoonTrap collectibles from Amazon...

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

YouTube Wednesday: MOON ZERO TWO

Before Cowboys & Aliens, there WERE "Space Westerns"...
Click on art to enlarge
...although this one is more "Space" than "Western"!
1969's Moon Zero Two was a weird combo of 40s-50s pulp sci-fi with its "Western transposed to outer space" motif, 2001: a Space Odyssey / UFO-influenced production design and fx, and some cool 60s psychedelic elements set in the "far future" of 2021.
We're going into more detail about the flick at our "brother" blog Secret Sanctum of Captain Video™, presenting the rarely-seen comic adaptation (by Paul Neary) from House of Hammer, some background info, and links to related sites.

But, as long as you're here, why not watch the complete Mystery Science Theater 3000 version of MZ2?

Check out
Classic Comix and Movie Collectibles Store 
and these HTF Moon Zero Two items on Amazon...

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Yeah, there's a new Conan in town, but will he really make us forget Ahnuld the Barbarian, even three decades later?

(BTW, the narrator is Orson Welles...The greatest of the actors to play The Shadow on radio!)
While I have nothing against Jason Momoa (I liked him in Game of Thrones and StarGate: Atlantis)...

...can he deliver a line like this?

I'll wait for Conan the Musical...

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

YouTube Wednesday: Quatermass Xperiment

First it was a record-breaking BBC-tv mini-series broadcast live on six consecutive nights in 1953...(and no, that's not a typo in the blog title)

In 1955, it was the first horror film from the legendary Hammer Studios...

In 2005, it was redone in a new, live BBC broadcast starring David Tennant (Doctor Who) and Indira Varma (TorchWood, Human Target)!

We're covering it over at our "brother" blog Secret Sanctum of Captain Video™!
Stop by and have a look at the never-reprinted comic adaptation of the feature film version!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

YouTube Wednesday: Cowboys & Aliens

Here's a collection of trailers and featurettes about the upcoming Cowboys & Aliens flick!
Personally, I'm as excited about this movie as I am about Captain America (and that's saying a lot)!

We're offering a line of Space Western collectibles, perfect for summer wear at the beach, or the movie theatre when you go see Cowboys & Aliens. (C'mon, you know you're going!)
and have a look below at some Cowboys and Aliens movie tie-ins from Amazon!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

YouTube Wednesday: THE LONE RANGER

Click on art to enlarge
From 1949 to 1958, The Lone Ranger (with Tonto, natch) dominated tv as the Western show for kids.
It was also ABC-TV's first hit series, winning it's time period consistently.
In 1955, it was decided to film the b/w series in color for it's final (1956-57) season.
Before shooting for the season itself began, both a tv special celebrating the character's anniversary and a feature film were shot using the new color equipment. Then filming began on the final season, which also required reshooting all the previous outdoor stock footage (which was b/w).
Ironically, ABC began airing the color-filmed episodes (including the anniversary special) before the movie opened in theatres...but aired them in b/w, so this movie is, chronologically, the character's first color appearance!
Clayton Moore is still considered the definitive Lone Ranger, and Native American actor Jay Silverheels played Tonto as smarter than most cowboys he encountered, despite the character's problems with adjectives.
Here's the trailer from the first movie...

And here's the opening from the second feature film, Lone Ranger and the Lost City of Gold, which synopsizes his origin in two minutes! 
(It takes a whole movie to do it these days, and not as well!)

We're presenting these classic clips to alert you to a related Internet first...a serialized story carried across multiple blogs!
We're re-presenting as a 4th of July holiday treat, the 60-page-plus comic adaptation of the 1956 Lone Ranger feature film, illustrated by Tom Gill (with inking by Joe Sinnott), which has never been reprinted!
The first two parts run today and tomorrow at Secret Sanctum of Captain Video™, then parts three and four on July 1st and 2nd at Hero & Heroine Histories™, with the last two on July 3rd and 4th at Western Comics Adventures™!
Join us as we make cyber-history! ;-)

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

YouTube Wednesday: THE SHADOW Movie Adaptation by Michael Kaluta

Currently, the complete, two-issue comic adaptation of The Shadow (1995) by Michael Kaluta is appearing on our brother RetroBlog Secret Sanctum of Captain Video™ over the next four days.
Even though the script is fairly close to the movie (with a new framing sequence), visually, it's a totally-different experience!
Judge for yourself...